Let’s soak up some of these detail-oriented Virgo season vibes and talk about being productive with list-making and how it can transform your life!

Becoming the master of your own time and energy is a crucial part of manifesting.

But in order to get there, you need to practice certain ways of thinking, being, and doing.

You have to take action every single day in pursuit of your highest potential, and you have to stop relying on other people for any external sources for validation.

All of that has to come from your divine connection to the Universe, and to yourself.

When you truly become the master of your time and energy, life feels amazing.

You will no longer get sidetracked or feel drawn into time-wasting activities or thought processes.

You will know when to say NO to the things that drain your energy, and YES to all the things that sparkle with passion and positivity.

So how do you get to experience this level of mastery?

Well, you can start today, one step at a time.

The first thing to do is to maximize your productivity each day.

Procrastination is something many of us suffer from, but you can easily learn to stop procrastinating!

Try these tips and get started on the path to self-mastery today!

Make your to-do list work for you

To-do lists are awesome, aren’t they?

When they work for you that is.

But if you’re always writing the same uncompleted tasks down over and over again, well they’re not so awesome after all.

So how do you get into productive mode and out of procrastination?

Try this technique with your to-do lists.

Dump down everything that’s on your mind right now on paper.

Take ten minutes or so and include the tasks you need to do, work goals, errands, ideas, grocery shopping that must be done, taking the car into the garage literally EVERYTHING.

Once you have done that, divide this list into different categories in your life and find the commonalities between all the tasks.

So it could look something like this:

  • Health
  • Career
  • Spirituality
  • Family
  • Household

Or you could keep it simple and divide it into Work and Personal, and then make subcategories from there.

You might also want to make separate categories for Long term and Short term goals.

You don’t want to have ‘lose 20 pounds’ on the same list as ‘pick up dry cleaning.’

The point is that you group everything into sections where they fit, so you can get a clearer image of what needs to be done and how best to tackle each thing.

Next, you need to create an Action Plan to get these items done.

What you will see is that it’s easier to get the more mundane things out of the way when you have grouped them all together.

Sometimes things take up way more time in our heads than they actually have to in reality.

So if you have all your household/ errand type to-do items together, you can focus on the bigger, more long-term goals and decide on the daily, weekly, and monthly actions that you will need to take in order to make those goals happen.

Remember – Nobody is dictating your schedule and your commitments but you!

The sooner you get to grips with that, the sooner you will have mastered your time and energy.

We waste our lives doing unimportant things, day in and day out.

If you make just one commitment to yourself to become more efficient with your time, you will be on the way to great success in life.

You’ll find that once you get the simple things out of the way and you can concentrate on your larger, long-term goals you will automatically feel more empowered, organized, and capable of reaching your dreams too.

It’s hard to focus on building your dream business or starting to write that book when you feel like you’re drowning in mundane tasks.

And always remember to schedule in fun and downtime, of course.

But be careful not to let those periods of time rob you of the rest of your day.

One last thing on those long-term goals. Make sure you remind yourself every day of these two things:

What you want to achieve.

Why do you want to achieve it, (what is the meaning and purpose behind these goals?)

Stay connected to the purpose and passion behind your goals and it will be a lot easier to keep taking small action steps towards making them happen.

The more action steps you take, the more you feel a sense of achievement, the more steps you take – and on it goes.

The cycle of success is made possible by the small things you do in each moment of each day.

So here’s to Virgo season and all the productive, healing, and forward-looking energy that comes with it!