Your Sacral Chakra is one of the most important energy centers of your being.

It is the source of your confidence, creativity, and life force. 

This chakra is responsible for your feelings of strength, purpose, and motivation.

When you feel energized, determined, and alive, it is because this chakra is balanced, clear, and healthy. 

To find out where your Sacral Chakra is simply make a triangle with your hands over your belly button, and that is where the center of your Sacral Chakra lies. 

The Sacral Chakra is related to your digestive system, stomach, liver, pancreas, lower back, and sex organs –

therefore it is connected to your appetite, your physical desires, and addictions. 

When this Chakra is out of balance, shrunken, or dirty it can manifest in the following ways: 

  • Creative blocks
  • Procrastination
  • Sluggish metabolism
  • Issues with digestion
  • A lack of energy 
  • Intimacy problems 
  • Hormonal or reproductive problems
  • Feelings of powerlessness and lack of self-worth
  • Disconnected from your direction in life
  • Overly controlling things
  • A lack of motivation
  • Feeling stuck/ stagnant – a sense of inertia
  • An obsession with being perfect

So, you can see how vital it is to take good care of your Sacral Chakra and make sure it is in balance! 

Without a healthy Sacral Chakra, you won’t be able to manifest all that you desire, you’ll constantly be sabotaged by feelings of powerlessness, a lack of self-worth, drive, and energy. 

It’s super important to heal this Chakra if you want to boost your manifesting powers!

So, how can you go about healing and balancing the Sacral Chakra? 

Here are three ways to begin: 

1. Affirmations 

Channel the strong emotions related to feeling confident, inspired, powerful, strong, and creative by reciting the following affirmations or mantras. 

  • I am a creative being 
  • I stand in my power, I can handle anything
  • I am strong, I am living my life how I desire
  • I know who I am and I trust my gut instinct
  • I am optimistic about my life 
  • I deserve and attract loving, healthy relationships. 

The power of using affirmations lies in repetition and persistence.

You begin to replace negative self-talk with these empowering and positive thoughts instead.

Over time, things begin to shift as your mind rewires itself 

2. Healing with Color

The Sacral Chakra is associated with the color orange, so wearing orange clothes, eating orange foods, or meditating with orange crystals and orange candles is an amazing way to boost the energy related to this chakra. 

You can also try imagining your chakra surrounded by a wonderful, energizing orange light.

Visualize it clearing and healing your Chakra, rinsing away any dark energy spots and leaving it clean and bright. 

3. Unleash your Creative Side 

A great way to get the Sacral Chakra energy moving is to tap into your innate creativity within.

Challenge yourself to engage in some kind of creative task –

whether it be painting, baking, writing, drawing, pottery, gardening, or crafting –

whatever you feel drawn to and passionate about. 

Even if you feel very uncreative and blocked, just decide to partake in something that gets your imagination flowing.

It’s not about doing something to perfection or producing a work of art –

it’s about focusing your brain on a purely creative activity. 

Remember, consistency and mindfulness are key.

Incorporate these simple exercises into your daily routine, and before long, you will notice the positive effects on your Sacral Chakra AND your manifestations. 

Try to keep an open heart throughout the process, and allow the energy of your Sacral Chakra to flow freely, igniting your creativity, sensuality, and zest for life.