Let’s talk about the November 8th Blood Moon Eclipse taking place in the earthy sign of Taurus.

It’s set to be a pretty magical cosmic event! It’s connected to the previous Blood Moon Eclipse we had back in May of this year, which fell in the sign of Scorpio.

Can you remember anything significant that was going on around that time?

It’s possible that this November Eclipse will be connected energetically to that May Eclipse, so it’s probable that you’ll see some patterns, or repetitive themes emerging in your life.

It doesn’t mean that whatever happened in May will happen again, but it can certainly bring up similar lessons or experiences.

Eclipses always come with an intense energy, bringing transformation, karmic events and providing impetus to shift us further along our soul’s path.

They are often associated with shifts, surprises and instability, as they push us along in fated ways that serve our highest good.

There’s no reason to fear an eclipse, but it’s going to be extra important to stay as grounded as possible during these changes.

All the energy can make us feel irritable, frustrated or simply a bit down.

It’s definitely good to remember that Eclipses might feel chaotic, but they always put us where we need to be for our highest soul’s path.

Any kind of transformation is always challenging.

We resist change, even when we know it’s necessary.

That’s because it requires us to be brutally honest with ourselves, and to expose our vulnerabilities as we shed the old.

Here’s what you can do to keep your cool and stay level-headed during the Eclipse:

Meditation and Grounding

Two important practices during big cosmic shifts are regular meditation and grounding.

Quieting your mind and taking the time simply to sit and do nothing is an amazing way to feel calm, confident, centered and ready to take on anything.

Extra points if you can add in standing barefoot outside on the earth.

Grounding yourself in this way each day helps you to feel strong, no matter what comes your way.

Rest and Relaxation

Don’t underestimate the importance of adequate rest and relaxation.

Eclipses can have us feeling frazzled and pulled in all directions.

Ensure you are getting the right amount of quality sleep, and carve out time to relax and unwind every day.

Focus on your Dreams

Use this time to create laser-like focus on what you desire to manifest for yourself.

It’s important to be open to change, but to still know what your long term goals are.

Your dreams matter, and the more energy you expend on furthering them, the more successful you will be. Commit to yourself, and don’t look back.

Keep your Body Nourished and Clean

Blood Moon Eclipses can manifest a purging effect in our lives, emotionally and physically.

It’s vital to take great care of your health right now.

Stay hydrated, eat nourishing foods, and pay attention to your thoughts as well as your nutrition.

Whatever is going on inside you, (whether your stomach or your brain) has an outward influence on the world around you.

These are things within our control, so it’s super important to get a handle on them.

Staying Connected to your Inner Self

You can stay connected to your inner self by journaling each morning, or doing activities that ignite your soul such as baking, gardening, painting, or dancing.

Scheduling time to check-in with your inner self during the Eclipse season will help you to face any shifts or unexpected twists of fate that may occur.

You’ll be able to navigate any difficulties feeling connected to yourself on a profound level.

Practice Letting Go

This Blood Moon Eclipse could make you feel like breaking out of any boxes you have confined yourself to metaphorically.

The energy brings sudden endings and changes in direction.

Practice being prepared to let go of things you know in your heart are no good for you.

It will help you to navigate this energy if you’re already able to stand your ground and have faith in new beginnings appearing, even in the midst of chaos.

Have Honest Conversations

Venus is active during this Eclipse. Venus, as you may know, is related to love, relationships and self worth.

You can prepare for the energy by encouraging honest conversations with your significant other, and with yourself.

Take a look at where your values are, and don’t be afraid to take action where things are not aligned.

Stay out of Fear

Make an effort to protect your energy field by not absorbing fear-based news or gossip.

During cosmic shifts such as Eclipses, it’s even more important than ever to be spiritually strong.

Every time you feel yourself falling into fear, switch your focus towards what it feels like to have faith instead.

Know that anything changing in your life right now is creating space for something new and better.

Build your trust in the unseen and you’ll experience an inner strength that will help you immensely.

The next Blood Moon Eclipse is not until 2025, so this is somewhat of a rare event.

The best way to move through any complicated energy is to include as many of the above practices as possible into your routine.

While cosmic forces have an impact on us, ultimately we are always in charge of our own actions.

Congratulate yourself for doing your best as you move through this time.

Remember that your soul is always growing and evolving for your highest good.

You are creating your future at every moment.