It’s totally normal to be feeling scared and anxious at the moment. I believe even those of us who feel we are not succumbing to panic and anxiety, are experiencing some level of fear. It’s only human to feel that way, after all, we are facing a global situation that we don’t know how and when will end.
The way I see it, the best way to conquer this kind of anxiety or fear over what we cannot control, is to focus on the things we can control.
And one of those things is what we decide to put into our bodies.
I’m talking about what we consume on a daily basis.
The food we eat has a huge impact on our vibration and immune systems. People say you are what you eat, and it’s true. The food we consume affects us on a mental, physical and vibrational level.
Let’s take a look at how we can boost our vibration and immune systems through food.
Foods that contain the highest vibration are whole, organic fresh fruits, and vegetables, preferably raw.
Including plenty of natural vitamins and minerals in your diet is essential.
A diet that is based more on plant ingredients is recommended. That doesn’t mean you have to become a vegan, but at least make sure that the meat and dairy you consume is ethically farmed and organic as much as possible.
Think about it, if you choose fresh, colorful, nutrient-rich foods that come from the earth, it makes sense that these foods will boost your vibration positively!
They act to supercharge your frequency, giving you more energy physically and higher energy vibrationally.
You feel alive and connected to the entire Universe.
You will glow as your entire body gets a healthy boost, plus your immune system will thank you for all those vitamin-packed and naturally healing foods.
On the other hand, an unbalanced diet that is heavy in processed ingredients and low in nutrients will not only affect you physically but also create a low energetic frequency. Your immune system will be compromised making you more susceptible to illness and you’ll be tired, lacking in energy, and even feel sad and less motivated.
Filling your diet with high-vibrational foods means your vibration will raise and it will be much easier for you to attract what you want in life! Not to mention the health benefits like a stronger immune system, glowing skin, a higher quality of sleep and general boost to your happiness.
10 Best Foods To Raise Your Vibrations
1.Fresh Berries
Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries all are high in antioxidants and low in sugar, making them ideal for an immune boost and to help balance our blood sugar levels. Berries just give you that extra super-charge to your vibration levels.
2. Dark, leafy, green vegetables
Think kale, arugula, rainbow chard, broccoli, and sprouts. Steam them, eat them raw or juice them for some seriously high vibrations!
3. Fresh herbs
Herbs like cilantro, basil, parsley, and rosemary are filled with antioxidants and they contain powerful healing and detoxifying properties. Try different varieties and sprinkle them over your meals as often as possible. The best thing about herbs like these is that you can even grow your own in your kitchen!
4. Raw nuts and seeds
These are packed with healthy omega 3s that your body will thank you for (great for brain function) and are a good source of fiber and protein. Raw nuts and seeds make a good snack. You can sprinkle them on salads or over cereal.
5. Fermented Foods
Live and naturally fermented foods such as kefir, miso, kimchi, kombucha, and sauerkraut are full of good bacteria needed in a healthy, balanced digestive system. When our gut gets overloaded with “bad” bacteria, our overall health declines and we become more susceptible to allergies, eczema, depression and other debilitating things. Gut health is paramount, so make sure your inner ‘ecosystem’ is chock full of fermented, live foods.
6. Spices
Turmeric, garlic, cinnamon, ginger, and cayenne are just some of the powerful healing and vibration-raising spices. They’ve been used for millennia to liven up the flavor of meals yes, but also for their incredible medicinal properties, (turmeric is a sacred spice used in Ayurvedic cooking). Spices like these can help your body tackle viruses, inflammation, and infections. They can also aid with digestion, balance your blood sugar levels, and prevent infection.
7. Beans and Lentils
These foods are excellent vibration raisers due to their nutrient-dense properties. Make beans and lentils or legumes such as garbanzos a regular part of your diet.
8. Sea Vegetables
Edible seaweed such as nori, kelp, Irish moss, and dulse are full of minerals and rich in iodine, calcium, copper, and ion. Seaweed contains a molecule called fucoidans, believed to have wonderful health benefits. Moreover, it also helps with longevity, immunity and cardiovascular function. Blue-green algae like chlorella and spirulina have an extremely high vibration. You can buy them in powder form and add them to smoothies.
9. Sprouted seeds, beans, and grains
You can buy sprouts fresh or try to sprout your own. They are high in protein and bursting with enzymes that help your body stay healthy and vibrate higher! Sprouting grains, seeds, and beans also make them more digestible by breaking down the anti-nutrients common in those foods.
10. Teas
Certain teas have a really high vibration and are antioxidant powerhouses. Choose herbal like chamomile, spearmint, valerian, passionflower, and lavender for relaxation and calm or green and white tea for fighting inflammation and boosting your immune system. You can create a soothing ritual out of preparing and drinking your tea, and introduce it as a calming way to raise your vibration whenever you feel anxious.
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