I love New Moon energy.

It’s all about letting go of the old and welcoming in the new. 

Our next New Moon is on July 5th in the sign of Cancer. 

Do we have any Cancers reading this?

Let me know your zodiac sign, reply to me! 

Anyway, the reason I love the New Moon is because it’s the best time to sit down

and get clear on what kind of intentions I want to set and work towards over the next few weeks. 

I feel like making time for intention setting is a great form of self-care,

and as Cancer brings a lot of emotional, soft and sweet, homemaking energy,

it really amplifies that energy. 

The energy around this New Moon is emphasizing the fact that it is never too late for you to begin again. 

If you want to make some serious intentions at this time,

you need to make sure you have the right focus and attention.

What you need is a manifesting mindset! 

Here’s some pointers on how to activate a manifesting mindset: 

1. Take the Initiative 

To have a manifesting mindset,

you need to stop just hoping and expecting things will magically change,

and start actually making active plans to transform things in your life. 

Yes, the Universe takes care of the how and when,

but you need to also show up as someone prepared to take the initiative in your life. 

If you want to be a published author, you have to sit down and write a book.

If you dream of living in a beautiful house by the beach,

you need to start researching areas that you like and imagining how you can make it possible. 

It’s as simple as a perspective shift.

You need to stop passively waiting, and start actively creating. 

2. Prioritize Opportunities 

Stop focusing your attention on difficulties and challenges,

and redirect your energy towards creating opportunities. 

When someone truly has mastered a manifesting mindset,

they are firmly focused on the positive and the possibilities that can emerge in their life.

When you make an effort to find opportunities,

the Universe will reward you with more and more. 

3. Reframe the Negative 

Instead of running over negative past events in your mind,

imagine and visualize them how you wish they had gone instead,

OR press pause on the event in your mind, and release it entirely. 

For example, if you had a falling out with someone,

imagine the situation working out how you wish it had instead.

Or visualize it shrinking and fading into complete insignificance.

4. Focus on your Mood 

Manifesting is based on your personal frequency – your vibration or mood.

As the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, you need to make sure that you are in the mood of someone

who has manifested your goal. 

You cannot manifest what you want, if you are always feeling a sense of lack and despondence.

You have to make the effort to start believing you can have what you desire,

and let your mood vibrate on that frequency. 

5. Speak Intentions in Present Tense 

A great time to repeat intentions or mantras/ affirmations is right before you fall asleep,

and your brain waves are receptive.

Always make sure your mantras are in the present tense

and based on what you want to manifest. 

E.g I am wealthy. I am confident. I am driving my new car. 

6. Cement your Self-Belief 

You have to be your own biggest cheerleader.

Nobody else is going to do it for you!

Self-belief is absolutely vital to manifestation. 

Use this technique to help you: Think of what you want to manifest, e.g winning the lottery.

Then visualize something that you do after that happens,

such as having a celebration, telling people, talking to the bank about investments or buying a new house. 

When you focus on the after events of your manifestation,

you tap into the feeling of it being possible for you. 

Use the soft, and nurturing energies of this Cancer New Moon,

amplified by the power of the Sirius Gateway,

and work on transforming your entire approach, perspective,

and mindset so that you can finally master your intentions and bring them into reality.