In every single moment you are choosing your wealth reality.
How does that statement make you feel?
Do you believe that it is true?
Let me tell you something –
we are all surrounded by infinite possibilities all day long, at all times.
Every single thought you think,
and every single choice that you make is either pulling in,
magnetizing wealth towards you, or not.
Now I know that can be hard to hear for some people.
I found it hard to believe too at first.
How could someone who is drowning in debt
use energetic alignment to manifest more wealth?
How can simply changing your thoughts change your life?
The only answer I have for you comes through my own personal experience.
I know that it is true because I have lived it.
It is possible to transform your life from within,
in fact – I believe it is the only way!
And if you are not receiving the wealth you desire,
if you still feel like money is always just out of your reach –
no matter how hard you work, visualize and try to manifest –
here’s the thing…
it’s not because you are not working hard enough,
and it’s NOT because you don’t deserve it.
It’s because you are not living in the frequency of EMBODYING wealth,
Instead, you are living in the frequency of WANTING money.
But the Universe doesn’t give you what you want, it give you what you are.
It reflects back to you exactly the vibration that you are offering.
Here’s how rich people keep getting richer and you can too:
Rich people have a different energy.
They know that they are wealthy, and therefore wealth keeps flowing to them.
Now, I must also say that you can use the words abundance,
rich, and wealth to mean things other than money.
I know some of the happiest people who define wealth as health,
as the freedom to travel and as new, exciting experiences all over the world.
These people attract those things in the same way as people who attract money riches.
By being what they want – embodying the frequency of it,
and emitting out nothing else but that feeling of wealth.
It’s all about the Energy that you hold.
If you are repelling money without realizing it,
It’s probably because you are stuck in the energy frequency of:
- Wanting more money (sends the frequency of lack).
- Chasing more money (keeps money always running away from you).
- Not embodying the feeling of being wealthy.
To attract and receive more money in an effortless way, you need to do this:
- Stop wanting money as though it is something far away from you that you could never have.
- Start embodying the version of yourself that is wealthy now.
- Be the YOU that has money, right now.
- Shift your subconscious to start expecting more and more wealth.
The Universe always says a full-bodied YES to the energy that you are holding.
It really is as simple as that.
The reason rich people get richer is because they don’t have to try and feel that energy,
they just feel it, embody it, and send that signal out all the time.
Of course, it’s harder to jump from debt, rock bottom, no job, drowning in bills etc –
to that wealth frequency overnight.
A fast way to get there is through the kind of meditation
that shifts your brainwaves into Theta state.
Theta brainwaves help you to shift old patterns of thinking
and dissolve deeply held subconscious beliefs about yourself.
The kind of negative thoughts that hold you back from radiating on that wealth frequency.
That’s how I managed to break out of years of negative cycles and debt.
It was truly life-changing for me!
If you have the Manifestation Magic program,
You’ll know what I am talking about.
Energy Orbiting is a powerful and speedy way to access limitless wealth
through the shifting of your frequency.
One BIG thing that I did in conjunction with listening to the sound audios ever night was this:
I kept telling myself that I could change my entire life around using only my own energy.
I reminded myself of this every single morning and every single night.
I repeated this mantra throughout the day,
and I firmly believe that it helped speed up my results with the audios.
“I am a magnet for wealth and I embody my future self now.”
Try it, or let me know your chosen mantra in the comments below.
I want you all to know that you are not at the mercy of external events,
you get to choose your life and step into an abundant new reality
that transcends chaos and drama, anxiety and money worries.