Energy work and meditation are very effective ways to address any imbalances in your chakras, but journaling is also a wonderful, simple, and very powerful way to reflect on what needs to be healed. 

If you’re not quite sure HOW to know WHAT might be out of balance and WHY in which chakra, journaling can help you narrow it down and get to the root of the issue fast. 

Never underestimate your own innate wisdom in knowing what issues need your attention energetically, physically, and emotionally. 

Journaling can sharpen your intuition and bring the unconscious to the surface to illuminate what requires healing and balance. 

The following are different journal prompts that you can use to consider each chakra and reflect upon the current influence it may be having in your life. 

You can use these prompts as inspiration to create your own or work with them directly.

The idea is to take some quiet time alone to really reflect and allow your innate soul knowing to guide you. 

Each prompt covers a range of pertinent issues that are linked to each chakra energy center.

They will help you to uncover your unique, personal truth around these issues and stimulate answers you may have not considered. Just by acknowledging and writing down your thoughts on each prompt, you will spark healing in these areas. 

The first step is always self-awareness. 

Root Chakra 

What are my fears about money?

Do I feel like abundance is something I can have?

How often do I connect to Mother Nature? Is it enough?

Am I taking good enough care of my physical health?

How does my insecurity manifest and why? 

Sacral Chakra 

Do I feel safe expressing my emotions?

Am I aligning my life with my desires?

Do I feel fulfilled by my social circle/ wider community? 

Am I able to surrender to the flow of life or do I cling too tightly?

When/ in what circumstances do I feel safe to be me? 

Solar Plexus Chakra 

What is my relationship to feelings of power, purpose, and destiny?

Do I feel empowered in my life?

When do I find it hard to express my truth/ opinions to others?

Am I disciplined or do I give up easily on things?

How do I express my creativity? 

Heart Chakra 

What are my feelings about unconditional love?

How do I express self-love?

Do I feel powerful in my heart space or vulnerable?

What does my heart tell me when I choose to listen? 

Am I spending enough time with myself doing heart-centered things? 

Throat Chakra 

Am I afraid to speak my truth?

Am I confident using my voice and speaking up for my beliefs?

In what ways do I hold back on expressing myself?

Do I share my creativity with others, or do I hide it? 

Third Eye Chakra 

Do I trust in my intuition?

What are my real thoughts on meditation and connecting to my inner self? 

Is something in the way of my spiritual evolution and healing? 

Are there ways that I resist acting upon my gut instinct? 

Do I use logic instead of following my intuition? 

Crown Chakra

How can I make surrendering a normal part of my life? 

How can I build trust in the Universe and the Divine? 

How can I connect better with the people I love?

Do I ever hold back on following the things that I know are aligned with my highest, most expansive good? Why? 

Good luck and enjoy diving deep into your chakras!