Your fourth chakra is your Heart Chakra.

It is the central area for your chakra energy system

and your true center of unconditional love, emotions and compassion. 

This energy center is where everything related to love, forgiveness, and harmony is stored. 

Love is the most powerful energy that you have.

Acting from love and compassion is the most beautiful and abundant way to live. 

But how many of us actually live from our hearts?

So many of us are worriers,

spending our lives overthinking and overanalyzing things.

When we do that, we are living from our heads, not our hearts. 

Your head is also useful, of course.

The problem is that only living from your head

means you can get lost in ego-driven thoughts and actions, negativity, and fear. 

And that is no good for manifesting and living your heart’s truth. 

The heart has an emotional and intuitive intelligence. 

As a general rule we are not encouraged to lead from our hearts.

Following your heart is often seen as too emotional

and likely to lead us somewhere irrational or mistaken,

but this is simply not true! 

Most people don’t know that our hearts are in fact much more emotionally intelligent than they think. 

The heart holds short and long term memories and is the emotional center of our souls.

The heart has an energy that extends out from us by six feet,

like a an aura or electromagnetic energy field. 

This intuitive intelligence is something we can trace as far back to when we were babies in the womb.

Our hearts are developed before the brain at five weeks of growth,

and a mother’s brain waves can sync with her baby’s heartbeat.

What you think of as your inner voice, inner wisdom or higher self,

is actually your intuitive, energetic heart speaking to you. 

The Heart Chakra radiates with this power of love.

It is so vital for your happiness and success in life to have a healthy and balanced Heart Chakra. 

A huge part of that is self-love.

If you have an out of balance or misaligned Heart Chakra,

you might get stuck in challenging relationships, codependency

and even situations of toxic abuse. 

When you balance this Chakra it means you will no longer need anyone else’s approval of validation. 

Instead you reclaim your power and make choices about your life

that actually reflect who you are at a deep core level. 

Healing your Heart Chakra is one of the most empowering things you can do to start seeing major shifts in your life experience. 

Use this visualization whenever you can throughout the day: 

Imagine breathing in the color green into your heart space. 

See the color as a pure, healing, calming light energy.

This green energy flows into all of your cells and your bloodstream,

infusing them with peace, love and compassion. 

Imagine your whole heart vibrating with this high frequency green light. 

It brings total love and compassion to you.

It erases any dark spots or stagnant parts of your chakra,

leaving your heart center open, balanced and ready to love.

Extra Tip: Practice making decisions from your heart. 

When an issue arises that you need guidance about,

travel into your heart space by feeling into the vibrations held there.

Try to make your decision based on what you heart seems to tell you. 

Work on healing your heart and you will soon notice enormous changes in all areas of your life.