Many of us have dreamed about having more money and may even anxiously hustle to try and get it.

Upgrading our careers, finding new side gigs, or even playing the lottery can sometimes feel like the answer.

However, despite all the hard work, it can still seem like that extra money is out of reach.

Achieving financial security is a journey rather than a destination and takes patience and mindful planning.

Keeping up with small daily changes can help to close the gap in financial goals over time.

I used to experience this years ago. I was beginning to think something was wrong with me.

But then a friend of mine mentioned that we have an energy system inside us that we can tap into.

Our chakras.

Our chakras are responsible for our well-being on so many levels!

They can help us to develop our spiritual, mental, and physical awareness.

If a particular chakra is feeling blocked or out of balance, it can cause stress in other areas, leading us to feel overwhelmed or unfocused.

Keeping our chakras balanced is key to achieving good health and feeling truly alive.

Taking the time to connect with our chakras allows us greater insight into ourselves and our lives, creating more opportunities for growth and making lasting changes.

We have three special chakras that signify abundance.

1. Root Chakra

It’s true that an imbalance in the root chakra can affect how we interact with money.

It can cause us to either hoard it excessively or ignore it altogether, for fear that one day we won’t have enough.

Luckily, there are various ways you can open and balance your root chakra so that money becomes less of a source of anxiety and more of a way to enjoy life.

Self-care activities like grounding exercises and developing a spiritual connection can help release the stagnant energy that’s preventing the flow of prosperity into your life.

Knowing the basics about energy blockages related to money will bring you more clarity and empower you to live with abundance and joy.

2. Sacral Chakra

If the energetic center of your sacral chakra is out of alignment, it can create an imbalance that can have strong effects on your financial habits.

You may impulsively buy things with money that you don’t have the funds for or refuse to spend even a penny on yourself, feeling like you don’t deserve any kind of pleasure or luxury.

This guilt and bad spending behavior can be frustrating, but with some simple lifestyle changes – such as taking breaks from shopping, creating limits for yourself, and breaking out of self-imposed rules around spending – it’s possible to get back on track.

Use this difficult experience as an opportunity to make positive changes in your life!

3. Solar Plexus Chakra

When it comes to money-making and action, an imbalanced solar plexus can cause a struggle.

On one hand, you may find yourself constantly coming up with loads of ideas to make money – but you struggle to find the energy or motivation required to turn them into reality.

On the other hand, if you do find the motivation, you may put in a lot of work that doesn’t bring any financial reward.

When your solar plexus is out of balance, being mindful and intentional with these activities is important in reaching your full potential.

It may take some introspection and support from friends, family, or other services – but once your solar plexus is returned to its balanced state, you will be on the path to achieving what you set out for!

Do you think your chakra is imbalanced?