Harness Fresh Energies from the Remaining Cosmic Alignments of 2022
As we move further into 2022, we are being bombarded with an increasing amount of high-frequency...
How Cosmic Changes Affect us on all Levels
Have you ever wondered why it is that we are affected by the planets and stars? How come we can...
The Orionid Meteor Shower: What Does it Mean Spiritually?
If you think October is done with its surprises. There’s still another event that’s going to keep...
The Magical Presence of Guardian Angels
We all like to think that we have someone looking out for us, and for many of us, that someone is...
Have You Been Seeing Angel Numbers? Here’s What You Should Know
If you've ever had a day where it seems like you can't escape a certain number, you're not alone....
Use Chakra Stones to Heal Your Life
I am a strong believer in spiritual health. What does that mean? For me, it is when our soul is...
Invite More Money into Your Life by Unblocking Your Chakras
Most of us are all too familiar with the feeling of stress when it comes to money. No matter how...
Unlock Your Power through Your Chakras
I’m sure you’ve already heard the term chakra… We have talked about it before. During those times,...
An Astrological Overview of the Aries Full Moon Energy October 9th 2022
The Aries Full Moon on October 9th will call you to begin a new cycle in your life. Aries is the...
Learn Magic and Cast Your Spell During the October Full Moon
The Law of Attraction is a powerful force that can help us to manifest our deepest desires. But...
3 Moon Rituals to Manifest Your Desires Fast
Harnessing the power of the moon is powerful. You can do this by setting your intentions and doing...
Divine Hunter Moon: What Should You Focus on Based on Your Zodiac Sign?
As we enter the month of October, the energy of the Aries Full Moon is upon us. This Full Moon is...