Powerful New Moon Morning Ritual You Should Try this Holiday Season
As we grow old, we look for more meaning in our lives. And this holiday season, I want to share...
Celebrate the Holiday Season with Positive Vibrations
Holidays are always a wonderful opportunity to take some time off and relax. This is the time when...
The December New Moon is Here for these 4 Zodiac Signs
2023 is right around the corner and it is our hope that it brings more good than bad to everyone....
Plant Powerful Seeds of Intention with the Winter Solstice and December New Moon
Are you feeling ready to set some new intentions ready for 2023? There is an exciting surge of...
A Better You is Coming: How to Craft a New Year Resolution
The start of a new year is undeniably exciting. Many of us use this moment as an opportunity to...
Get the New Year Resolution Blues Out of the Way, the New You is Here
With the start of each new year, it’s almost expected that we will all suddenly transform into...
New Year Special Crystal Gift Ideas
The countdown to the New Year has already started. And what could be better than finding the...
Unblock Your Chakra Without the Help of a Healer
Making sure that your chakras are well taken care of is important for your emotional and physical...
Take Your Crown: Balance Your Crown Chakra and Achieve Higher Consciousness
There is no person I would use as an icon of the Crown Chakra. It is a deeply sacred and personal...
Harness the True Energy of the Three Powerful Chakras Within You
Many of us have dreamed about having more money and may even anxiously hustle to try and get it....
Is it Hard for you to Visualize yourself as Abundant? You may have a blocked Third Eye Chakra
Do you have a hard time seeing yourself as abundant? Is it challenging for you to imagine yourself...
How to Call for Your Guardian Angel
Have you ever felt like something much larger than yourself is guiding you in life? Connecting to...