Full Moon in Leo: It’s Time to Radiate Confidence
The full moon in Leo is a time for radiating confidence and embracing your inner leader. They are...
Charging Your Crystals: What to Do and Not to Do
Crystals are not just beautiful, they are powerful tools that can help us manifest our goals and...
5 Crystals to Own to Invite Prosperity
Crystals have been used for centuries to promote healing and well-being, and are believed to have...
Meditating with Abundance Crystals
Meditation with crystals is a powerful practice that combines the benefits of meditation with the...
Align yourself with your Dreams with the Aquarius New Moon
On January 21st we have a New Moon in Aquarius and it’s bringing some super exciting energy all...
The Connection between Angel Numbers and the Law of Attraction
The connection between angel numbers and the law of attraction is a powerful one. Many people...
Signs an Angel Visits You
With the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it can be easy to forget that sometimes there are...
Angel Number 5656: Reasons Why You’re Seeing It
Angel number 5656 is a powerful combination of energies and vibrations of the numbers 5, 6, and...
Raise Your Wealth Vibration Today
You may have heard of vibrations, but you may be unsure of exactly what they are. Your vibrations...
Moon Ritual for Abundance this 2023
We all know that the energy of the moon plays a significant role in shaping our desires and...
Welcoming the New Moon of 2023: What Should You Do Based on Your Zodiac Sign?
Ring in the new year filled with possibilities by showing a little love to the first new moon of...
Everything you Need to Know about the Meaning of 2023 as a 7 Universal Year
Did you know that this year, 2023 is a 7 Universal year in numerology? Each year holds a different...