by Alexander J. Wilson | Oct 3, 2022 | Astrology, Personal Development
Harnessing the power of the moon is powerful. You can do this by setting your intentions and doing moon rituals to amplify your desires for the universe. The moon has eight phases and each phase emits forces that you can use to your advantage. Your commitment to...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Oct 2, 2022 | Astrology, Personal Development
As we enter the month of October, the energy of the Aries Full Moon is upon us. This Full Moon is here to help us reach a point of surrender in our lives. Surrendering does not mean giving up, but rather letting go of what is no longer serving us. It is a process of...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Oct 1, 2022 | Personal Development, Spirituality
Now that we’re at the last quarter of 2022. Everybody is pumped up to live better lives to make it worth it! Aside from sticking to a healthy diet and having an active lifestyle, have you thought about working harder to attract positivity into your life? What most of...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Sep 30, 2022 | Abundance, Personal Development
Libra season is all about creating balance. But don’t forget about abundance too. You can still use this time to welcome prosperity in your life. What place should you focus on? Your workplace. Everything is connected, and your workspace, in many ways, is a reflection...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Sep 29, 2022 | Astrology
Have you ever met a Libra? And you’re just sitting there wondering… wow, this person is so calm and peaceful. Libras are known for their even temperament and ability to see both sides of every issue. But what makes them so level-headed? One key factor is that Libras...