by Alexander J. Wilson | Oct 13, 2022 | Astrology, Personal Development
As we move further into 2022, we are being bombarded with an increasing amount of high-frequency cosmic energy. This is causing major shifts in consciousness and leaving many of us feeling disoriented and uncertain. In order to make sense of these changes, it is...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Oct 12, 2022 | Astrology, Personal Development
Have you ever wondered why it is that we are affected by the planets and stars? How come we can feel the effects of the cosmos on a spiritual, emotional, and physical level? I believe it is because we are all connected to the cosmos. The Universe itself is in all of...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Oct 11, 2022 | Angel Numbers, Spirituality
If you think October is done with its surprises. There’s still another event that’s going to keep you on your toes. It’s the Orionid Meteor Shower. One of the best things about autumn is the Orionid meteor shower. This shower, also known as the “Harvest Moon...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Oct 10, 2022 | Angel Numbers, Signs From The Universe, Spirituality
We all like to think that we have someone looking out for us, and for many of us, that someone is our guardian angel. Whether you believe in guardian angels or not, there’s no denying that the idea of having someone who is always watching over us can be...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Oct 9, 2022 | Angel Numbers, Personal Development, Signs From The Universe
If you’ve ever had a day where it seems like you can’t escape a certain number, you’re not alone. Many people have experiences of what’s called synchronicity – observing groups of similar numbers in quick succession. While some might...