by Alexander J. Wilson | Oct 27, 2022 | Personal Development, Signs From The Universe
Have you tried writing a letter to the Universe? It may sound a bit crazy to some, but it’s a really powerful manifestation tool. The Universe is always listening, and putting your intentions out there in writing can help to bring your desires into reality....
by Alexander J. Wilson | Oct 26, 2022 | Astrology, Personal Development
The Star of Venus Have you ever heard of the Star of Venus or the Rose of Venus? It is a perfect geometrical shape created by the planet Venus every eight years as it passes around the Sun in its orbit. All of the planets in our solar system have their own unique...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Oct 26, 2022 | Astrology, Personal Development
We are down to just two more months before the end of 2022… And as October ends, you should end it with a bang. October is the month for manifestations, they say. And what better time to manifest your deepest desires than at the turning of the season? As the leaves...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Oct 25, 2022 | Angel Numbers
Have you ever noticed a certain number following you around? Whether you see it on license plates, billboards, or clocks, this number might have a special meaning for you. In numerology, each number carries its vibrations and energies. And according to some beliefs,...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Oct 24, 2022 | Astrology
An eclipse is coming… It represents powerful new beginnings, coming at us with strong game-changing energy. Typically Eclipses always signify intense beginnings and endings, changes that come to shake up your world a little (or a lot). These changes are always for...