by Alexander J. Wilson | Nov 7, 2022 | Astrology
If you’ve been feeling off balance lately, it might be because we’re in the midst of eclipse season. Eclipses are powerful events that can have a major impact on our lives. The Total Lunar Eclipse will take place in the sign of Taurus. During this time, we...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Nov 6, 2022 | Astrology
There’s something special about eclipses. They are a reminder that our celestial bodies are interconnected, and that the same forces that shape the universe also influence our daily lives. The upcoming eclipse on November 8, 2022 is no exception. This eclipse is...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Nov 5, 2022 | Abundance, Personal Development, Spirituality
One of the most powerful things we can do for ourselves is to examine the ideas and beliefs that we absorb from our families and society and to choose which ones we want to keep and which ones we want to let go of. So much of what we learn as children don’t...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Nov 4, 2022 | Spirituality
It’s no secret that our thoughts have a powerful effect on our lives. After all, it’s our thoughts that dictate our actions and determine our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. So it should come as no surprise that our thoughts also play a...
by Alexander J. Wilson | Nov 3, 2022 | Personal Development, Spirituality
I think we have all been there… We feel lost. We feel like we’re stuck in a rut, and we can’t seem to get out of it. You keep doing the same thing day in and day out, but it feels like you’re just going through the motions. You’re not really...