Here in the northern hemisphere Spring is here.

The birds are chirping, the flowers are shooting up out of the ground, and the energy is all about new beginnings.

It is the perfect time for a Spring Clean, but not just for your home, a spring clean of your spirit is in order too.

Mother Earth is lightening her energetic field, and you can too. 

The space you live in is a reflection of your entire life. That is true for your home, your living and working environment, and also your own physical body – the home for your soul. 

When your surroundings feel clean, clear, and positive, you also feel positive, and you reflect that positivity into the rest of your life.

Similarly, taking care of your spiritual and emotional body has wonderful benefits that ripple out into the rest of your life too. 

Doing a thorough spring clean of your home and your spirit is a beautiful way to declare to the Universe that you are ready to welcome in a fresh flow of energy and abundance to your life.

Simple practices for your Spiritual Spring Clean 

Turning your attention to the stagnant energy in your home is a great way to begin. 

Intuitive Scan 

Walk around your house and see where you are drawn to intuitively. Move around your space and experience how you feel around certain objects, areas or pictures. What feelings and thoughts arise for you?

Try to notice if you feel uplifted, happy, and positive, or whether you feel heavier energy. 

Anything that does not feel right to you, anything that feels draining or stagnant should be removed or swapped with something that makes you feel uplifted instead.

You might feel drawn to physically clean around a certain area or swap pictures around, or add candles, crystals, or plants to change the energy of the space. 

Store anything that feels heavy away for the winter in a drawer or storage box (this especially goes for clothes and shoes you won’t be needing for months). 

Create a Meditation Space

If available to you in your home, create a space (it can literally be a corner) that you designate as your meditation space. 

Clean or spray the area with essential oils like citrus, lavender, and tea tree mixed with water or castile soap. 

Clear the area of clutter and place a comfortable chair or cushion there. Arrange any crystals or special items of yours that are meaningful, such as feathers, shells, photos, etc. 

The idea is to feel the energy flowing clearly and easily through this space and know that whenever you come here to connect with your inner self you will always feel calm and peaceful. 

Release Negativity with Movement 

One of the best ways to release negative energy from your physical and spiritual body is with movement. You could go for a fast walk, bike ride, or run of course, but also consider the power of dancing.

Dancing allows you to be uninhibited and to let your emotions flow through you freely. It can get you right out of your head and into your body.

When you are alone in your home you are free to be completely yourself. Put on your favorite music, making sure it has a strong beat and let yourself move and flow to the rhythm without thinking about it.

Don’t be self-conscious (that’s why you should do this alone!). 

Just close your eyes and let your body be your guide. This is an amazing way to embody your true energy and release anything that is blocking you.

It will release endorphins and help you to feel a sense of clarity and direction that you didn’t have previously. 

Cut the Cords 

This is an important practice to do regularly, especially when you are reviewing your life and working to change your energy to bring in more abundance and positivity. 

Cord-cutting is simply the ritual of dissolving any negative energetic connections that you may have to people or situations in your life. 

Important to note: when you cut the cords to someone, you are not hurting them or yourself. You are not necessarily removing that person from your life either.

Think of it more as a reclaiming of your energy and power for yourself bringing a healthy balance to your mind. 

It is a symbolic act that you can do intuitively, focusing on removing any attachments that you have that drag you down. Here’s a quick guide to cord-cutting:

Prepare your space by energy cleansing with palo santo, sage or incense, and take a few moments to be still and ground yourself. 

Close your eyes and visualize the person you wish to cut your energy cord from. Imagine yourself slicing the cord with a symbolic tool of your choice, it could be your hand, it could be a wand, or a silver sword – whatever feels right to you. 

Then imagine that draining connection between you disappearing as you cut the cord. 

Imagine your power and energy being drawn back towards you from the negative situation, and feel yourself glowing with your positive energy again.  

Send a blessing of gratitude to that person and your relationship and set them free for the highest good of all. 

Take an Energy Shower 

This works so well if you can actually do it outside in nature, sitting on the grass, or near a source of water.

Close your eyes and imagine a huge beam of sunlight pouring down through your Crown Chakra and flowing through your body like pure gold. 

Visualize this light eradicating all stagnant energy and negativity and cleansing you of anxiety, fear, and stress. 

Let yourself be filled with the powerful energy of Source itself, and feel refreshed, renewed, and positive. 

Do this as often as you need! Making this a daily morning practice is a powerful way to begin your day. 

Spiritual spring cleaning will help you anchor into the energy you want to experience for the coming months.

It will help to open your heart and elevate your vibration to a higher, more joyful frequency.

Happy Manifesting!