A New Moon in Taurus is the time to take the bull by the horns!
Every time a New Moon comes around, it is an opportunity to commit to your personal goals and align them with your core values and highest vision of the future.
The New Moon falls in Taurus on May 11th bringing with it the positive, inspirational energy of a super-powerful month, full of the impetus needed to follow through on the right actions towards your dreams.
This is a time of renewal and recalibration. Of making strong decisions about exactly what you want to manifest and create more of in your life.
The cosmic energy is potent, if ever you were looking for the right moment to make a big change in your life, that time is now.
You can use the New Moon in Taurus to clarify your dreams and goals, make some stable, realistic plans, and start grounding those dreams in actual action steps.
The seeds you plant now in terms of your desires, intentions, and plans will have the chance to grow and expand in the months between this New Moon in Taurus and the Full Moon in Taurus in November of 2021.
So you can think about reaping the rewards toward the end of the year.
It’s a great time to really get going on any creative projects, new businesses, home improvements, or literally any change that you desire in any area of your life.
After such a tumultuous year in 2020, it’s understandable if you have not been as focused as possible on your dreams.
Perhaps you even lost some of your faith in your ability to make big changes in your life, or you may just have lacked the energy to see things through.
If that sounds like you, don’t despair and most of all don’t give up. Now is your time to shine!
This really is such a powerful and magical time to be creating what you want to see show up in your life.
This Moon in Taurus is calling you to realize your true potential for change. A new you and a whole new life is awaiting.
You have the power to make huge changes in every single moment of your day.
Your power is in the choices and decisions you make.
In fact, your future is built upon those decisions.
When you live in alignment with your core values, with your true authentic self, everything starts to fall into place.
Taurus being an Earth sign means any time you can spend out in nature is helpful to your spiritual and emotional wellbeing and alignment with your higher self.
Stand barefoot on the grass, meditate by a tree, start your day off with a walk in the woods or close to flowers and plants, all of these are wonderful ways to get a daily dose of Mamma Nature and feel connected to our planet.
If you can ground yourself as much as possible before the New Moon, you will find it easier to tune into what you want to manifest and may find yourself more open and willing to believe you are worthy and ready to receive.
New Moon Manifestation Ritual
This manifestation ritual is for getting clear on your intentions, writing them down and planting those seeds for the future.
Firstly, clear your meditation space or the place in your home where you feel relaxed.
You can do this with palo santo, sage, or essential oils. When you’re ready, set some intentions.
If you have some crystals to hand, I recommend Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, or Citrine for manifesting and amplifying the energies.
Bring yourself into a place of calm stillness through quiet meditation, breathing, and grounding.
If you find you still have a very busy mind, try journaling your thoughts like a sort of brain dump, to clear your mental clutter.
You can also jump up and down to clear any stagnant energy and bring yourself into the present moment and the ritual ahead.
Now write a list of all the things you wish to bring into your life.
Whether that be new ways of making money, creative projects, healthier habits, objects, people, opportunities, even new energy that you crave.
Your goals can be as small or as huge as you like, this is all entirely up to you.
If you want to get really specific here with the time frame, feel free to draw up a plan in your mind.
You can also just leave it all up to divine timing and surrender your desires that way.
Sometimes knowing what you intend to manifest by what date or month can be helpful in kicking you into gear to do your part towards that dream.
Actionable steps are everything!
Words and thoughts are vibrations too, remember that everything you say and intend has power and energy.
That’s why it’s so crucial to keep things in the present tense and not in the future.
When your intentions are always in the future they tend to remain there, just out of your reach.
You want to actually focus on feeling the powerful vibrations around what you intend and feel them as a reality now.
Once you have written down all the things you want to manifest, close your eyes and try to imagine exactly what it feels like to already have those things in your life.
Really visualize the feeling that occurs in your physical body when you go to this place of having all that you desire.
Repeat this often, every day if possible.
Top Tip:
This visualization is not about forcing or pushing yourself to imagine something that feels out of reach for you.
It’s about feeling into the emotions that you have when you allow yourself to go to this place of already having all those desires.
Don’t overthink it! It’s about feeling.
Keep your notebook or list handy where you can check in with it each day.
It’s good to keep the momentum going and to remind yourself of the things that are within your control to make happen too!
Those proactive steps are the part that you play in the manifestation game.
They are part of the co-creation that takes place with the Universe.
Heal all of me please
I’m glad this was timely shared with you, Janis. Happy Manifestation and may the Universe surround you with energy to heal and vibrate higher than ever.
Thank you