Did you know that you can actually leak energy from your energy body without knowing? 

Of course this is something that you might not be totally conscious is happening,

but you will definitely feel it in the form of a low vibration.

And as we all know,

we want to be vibrating high in order to really enjoy life and manifest what we desire. 

Have you ever felt like you might be leaking energy somewhere in your life?

I want to hear your experiences of this, reply to me. 

Energy leaks usually show up in our lives in the places where we have not been placing firm boundaries

OR where have been ignoring certain tasks that are niggling at us. 

Lack of Boundaries 

Boundaries is a bit of a buzz word lately, what do we mean by it? 

I like to think of boundaries as various rules that I have in place in my life

to protect my self respect, my inner peace, and my mental, emotional, and physical health. 

So, for example, if you have someone in your life who constantly drains your energy through long,

one-sided phone calls, causing you to stop what you are doing and abandon your own well-being to listen to them,

that is cause for a firmer boundary. 

It doesn’t mean that you no longer are friends with that person,

or that you are no longer able to give them your time and energy.

It simply means you are not always available to the detriment of your own well-being.

Some people will take and take and take unless you put a firm boundary in place. 

Likewise, if a job is pulling on your time and energy in a way that is imbalanced,

you need to put some rational boundaries in place with your boss or work colleagues. 

Boundaries are never illogical or over the top.

Some people might think they are,

but those people likely have poor boundaries themselves

and are unable to recognize healthy self-respect and self-worth. 

When you do not have firm boundaries, you literally siphon off bits of your vital life force energy

to these invisible and toxic things tugging at you – the draining friend, the demanding job, etc. 

You have to think hard and observe where you instinctively feel that you are allowing your energy to be leaked,

and deal with that in a responsible and self-loving way. 

Little Undone Tasks 

Other energy leaks come in the form of accumulated undone tasks that hold a piece of your energy

as long as they remain undone. 

I’m talking about those things that niggle at you, hovering at the edges of your mind – maybe it’s an unpaid bill,

an unfinished project, some kind of toxic relationship, things left unsaid,

a lingering mood after a negative conversation, or even just a messy house and clutter. 

Doesn’t it always feel better to check off your to-do list and clean out your house?

Likewise if a conversation needs to be addressed,

or something needs to be cleared energetically with another person,

it’s always best to address that rather than let it linger and pull at you. 

Ignoring all the little energy leaks can lead to you feeling overwhelmed, scattered, and disorganized. 


It really is the biggest form of self-care to look at your energy leaks and take action.

My biggest tip for clarifying where your energy is being leaked

is to write down all the places that you intuitively feel might need your attention. 

Think of how you can review them and address them without adding to your overwhelm. 

Rank them in order of most draining on you to least

and start to address those that are the most draining. 

Find easy, fun ways to deal with the lesser ones and plan them into your schedule.

For example, if you need to clean out your garage and finally get someone to fix that window,

plan it ahead, and do this with everything on your list.

Just knowing that you have acknowledged your energy leaks helps to shift the vibration!

You are no longer hiding from what drains you and are prepared to do something about it. 

Of course, with the harder,

more boundary-focused energy leaks you might need more time and planning before you can implement them.

It really depends on your individual situation.

One way is to tell your draining friend that you are only available at a certain time and honor that for yourself. 

Likewise with work commitments,

explain that you cannot take on anymore extra work or that you need to scale back 

The bottom line is that you have to restore harmony to your energy body,

it’s the only way for you to thrive and create a healthy foundation to manifest your dreams. 

What energy leaks have you been noticing lately?