Do you know what the Sirius Gateway is? 

It is a sacred, cosmic event that occurs every single year, during the first week of July. 

It is a spiritual gateway that gets activated between our planet Earth and the star, Sirius. 

Sirius, in modern astrology holds the vibration of freedom,

and the ability to embody and express our true soul essence. 

In ancient cultures, Sirius was linked to spiritual enlightenment.

Older civilizations thought of Sirius as the Spiritual Sun of Earth. 

It actually shines 23 times brighter than our own Sun,

but of course, it is much, much farther away, way out in the galaxy. 

Let me know if you have ever spotted the star Sirius in the night sky!

Reply to me. 

So, this spiritual gateway happens as the Sun comes into alignment with Sirius,

(which is located at 14 degrees of the tropical zodiac of Cancer). 

As the Sun and Sirius conjunct during this first week of July every year,

we are able to access an incredibly powerful, high-frequency energy

and use it for creativity, inspiration, innovation, and heightened spiritual intuition. 

The vibrational energy emanating from Sirius during this gateway can boost your spiritual awareness

and increase your ability to alchemize goals and dreams into manifested reality. 

Make the decision to shed any old patterns, limitations and beliefs and step into a new sense of self.  

You can then use these energies to anchor in more positive habits,

integrating the powerful light frequencies and experiencing a deeper sense of connection

and unity with the Universe. 

We all know, the more connected you are to the energy of source,

the easier it is to manifest! 

Read on for my tips on how to make the most of this magical time,

and discover the ONE thing you can do that will align you with a higher frequency of freedom. 

Tip 1: Activate your Third Eye

Your third eye is the seat of your psychic, intuitive and spiritual abilities.

During the Sirius Gateway, you can amplify your spiritual connection

by following specific guided meditations focused on the third eye,

or simply create your own mini-meditation. 

Just imagine your third eye is glowing with a beautiful purple color,

or place an amethyst crystal in the middle of your forehead,

and visualize your third eye becoming brighter, clearer and more powerful. 

Tip 2: Free Writing 

Try free writing, which is basically just journaling without thinking too much about what you are saying.

Do it as soon as you wake up, before you do anything else. 

Keep a notebook by your bed so that you can just grab it and start writing. 

It is an amazing way to release thoughts and stagnant energy,

and will help you to connect and feel your true emotions, behind the mental chatter. 

Tip 3: Crystals for Manifesting  

The potent energies coming from Sirius at this time amplify the power held inside crystals,

which you can use to boost your intention setting. 

Set your intentions and then visualize those dreams becoming real

as you meditate with your chosen crystal in your hand. 

Place your crystals outside in the sun during this first week of July,

and then each evening hold them in your palm as you visualize your manifestations becoming reality. 

Tip 4: Meditate 

 If you do ONE thing during this week, meditation would be the most grounding and beneficial for you.

Getting quiet and allowing your calm, inner stillness to rise up is the perfect way

to connect with the high vibrations of the Sirius gateway. 

Simply sit with your breath for a few minutes until you feel a calmness within you.

If you do this every morning and night, you will find it easier each time you sit down. 

Even just setting aside a few seconds to take three deep breaths in and out each morning and evening,

will help create change in your life through your energy. 

A little goes a long way,

and simply grounding yourself in the present moment will raise your vibration

and keep you aligned with freedom, peace and balance. 

Wrapping Up

Make sure you follow whatever feels instinctively right for you this week.

You might feel drawn to being near water, or taking more baths.

You might feel like being alone, or spending time outside in nature.

You might feel like you need more hours of sleep. 

Just take care of yourself, body, mind, and spirit.

The powerful frequencies can be overwhelming to some,

and you must make sure you honor your energy and always take care of your own needs first.