Cancer season 2024 begins on the same day as the Summer Solstice, June 20th. 

Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and the element of water.

These two facts define a lot about the energy we can expect during Cancer season. 

Hey, if you’re reading this and you’re a cancer, let me know!

Reply to me. 

Symbolized by the crab,

Cancer is traditionally thought of as a sensitive, moody sign hiding away in its shell.

While some of that is true as a stereotype,

there is more to be said about this sign and the energy it brings to all of us,

when the sun is in its zodiac. 

Firstly, the crab is actually a fierce and loyal creature.

In Greek mythology, the crab was brave and caring.

Its pieces were scattered into the sky to form the constellation of Cancer

after it was killed protecting a fellow sea creature. 

We can look at that myth and use that sense of fearlessness to stand firm in our own beliefs

about who we are as we create new energy for the remainder of the year. 

Cancer Season energies urge us all to stop feeling unworthy and afraid.

It’s a wonderful time to go deep into your fears and insecurities and release them, once and for all. 

The kinds of themes cancer represents are as follows: 

  • Feeling at home within yourself. 
  • Loving all parts of yourself.
  • Feeling gratitude for the things that are important in your life. 
  • Intentional, mindful living. 
  • Spending time with family and loved ones. 
  • Compassion. 
  • Honoring your emotions. 
  • Protecting your energy. 

Here’s how you can work with those themes, incorporating them into the following water ritual,

to cement yourself into the energies of this season, and move forward with positivity. 

This ritual will help you to embody those strong, powerful and heart-centered energies as you take on the rest of the year. 

A Water Ritual 

As water is the element that represents Cancer,

you need some form of water to do this ritual effectively. 

Ideally you would use a bathtub or an actual outdoor body of water to be able to submerge yourself in.

If neither of those are available to you, then use a shower, or if you’re brave, a bucket of water! 

Begin the ritual by closing your eyes and taking some mindful, deep breaths. 

This is so that you ground and center yourself. 

Try to let any busy thoughts settle down, so that you bring your energy and focus to the ritual. 

Now, take some time to journal or reflect on the following questions: 

  • Do I love all parts of myself?
  • What do I feel grateful for in my life? 
  • How can I create a safe and loving home within myself? 
  • What themes of Cancer season do I want to connect with most so that I can move forward into the next half of the year with success?

Follow your instinct as to which questions are most important and resonant for you right now. 

Spend some time really meditating and visualizing

how you can best create the most positive energy for yourself moving forward.

Feel into sounds, sights, feelings and textures.

Whatever comes up for you, trust that it is correct. 

When you feel like you have really got an idea on the kind of energy you want to create in your life,

let yourself submerge into the water (be that your bathtub, the ocean/river/ lake or a shower). 

This is a symbolic act that represents you entering a new energetic frequency. 

As you are submerged or under running water, affirm to yourself that this is your new energy. 

You will do all that you can to embody this frequency.

Feel it and allow it to cleanse and heal you on a physical and energetic level. 

If it feels right for you, you could process your feelings and your experience in your journal, following the ritual. 

Spend the time after this doing things that make you feel wonderful, secure, and loved.

Be extra gentle with yourself as you step into a higher state of consciousness

and embody a new vibrational frequency. 

Use this affirmation: I easily embody my divine energy flow.