The Heart Chakra is at the center of the chakra energy system

and is the place from where unconditional love, emotions, forgiveness, harmony,

and compassion are stored. 

Through challenging relationships and general life experience,

many people close off their hearts, sometimes without even realizing it.

This is a protective mechanism of course,

but it can cause issues in your life when your heart chakra is closed to life and love. 

Do you relate to this feeling?

If you feel called, please share your stories with me.

Reply to me with your experiences. 

Love is the most powerful energy that you have.

Taking action from a place of love is the highest vibrational way to live.

When you heal and amplify the energy of your heart chakra,

you will come to experience a deep love and compassion for yourself and others,

total trust in the unfolding of life’s journey, a profound understanding of where you are on your own path,

and a desire to live your life from a place of love at all times. 

With a healed and open Heart Chakra,

you will bring healing and light to all your other chakras in the energy body system too. 

Many wonderful things happen when you open your heart,

including synchronicities, miracles, people showing up at exactly the right time,

conversations evolving just as you had wished, and more.

Living with an open heart creates an ease and effortless unfolding in life. 

One of the fastest ways to accelerate living from the heart is by connecting to the natural world.

When we align with that connection to all things, we realize how integral we are to the fabric of the Universe. 

We remain open to the wisdom and insights of nature, and our hearts open in that sacred connection.

We realize just how the living world, and indeed the entire Universe is always speaking to us and communicating love. 

The following is a practice that you can do as often as you find time and space in your routine. 

High Vibrational Heart Ritual in Nature 

  • Practice this ritual outside in nature if you can.

  • You don’t want to be surrounded by the hustle and bustle of city life or crowds as that kind of atmosphere and stimulation can be overwhelming. 

  • Find a quiet corner of a park, a garden or whatever natural area is available to you.

  • You just need to feel comfortable and secure in this place. 

  • You will need to choose a natural form to work with during this ritual, something that you can see close by. For example, a specific tree, plant, flower, or body of water. 

  • Drop into your heart field awareness by breathing mindfully and placing your attention at your heart center. 

  • Now, ask permission of the natural form you have chosen, to connect to its individual energy. 

  • Let your heart field of awareness reach out and touch and connect the field and energy of that thing you have chosen. 

  • Visualize your own heart energy radiating outwards and connecting with the energy of that natural form. 

  • It can be strange at first, you may find yourself drifting back into your heart from your heart. It will get easier the more you take part in this practice over time. 

  • When you have sat in this intermingling of heart energies for about 5 minutes, say thank you to the tree, plant, or whatever you chose. 

  • Bring back your awareness to your present state, and open your eyes.

  • Make a note of any messages, emotions, or insights that came up for you during this meditation. 

I hope that you find this heart chakra ritual soothing and uplifting.

Try to practice it a few times a week, until you feel an energetic shift within.