The New Moon Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees of Gemini coming up on June 10th is the sister eclipse to the May 26th Super Blood Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius AND the first solar eclipse of the year.
It is also an Annular Eclipse which means the shadow of the Earth moves into the center of the Sun, creating a halo effect, a “ring of fire”.
It represents powerful new beginnings, coming at us with strong game-changing energy.
Typically Eclipses always signify intense beginnings and endings, changes that come to shake up your world a little (or a lot).
These changes are always for your highest good, so just be aware of the cosmic energy, buckle up and hold on for the ride!
Think of the Blood Moon Eclipse on May 26th as having cleared a path for you, and now you are able to see the way ahead clearly.
Whatever specific things are happening for you in your life right now, you are headed in the right direction, and this Eclipse will show you whatever is needed for your highest self to grow and expand into the life you dream of.
That may well involve some release and surrender.
The New Moon (especially one with a Solar Eclipse like this one) is an excellent time for setting a clear intention and planting a seed to manifest something new into your life.
As the eclipse comes in Gemini, there will be a focus on the mind, communications, and mental energy.
The energy will highlight your creativity, how you express yourself, and any new plans, projects, and ventures you are taking on.
This eclipse is also exactly conjunct Mercury retrograde bringing up confusion and an extra need for careful discernment.
What to focus on:
The eclipse in Gemini means an emphasis on strong, chattering, buzzy mental energy, and self-talk.
Now would be an excellent time to catch yourself in any negative self-talk that tends to dominate your mind.
Do you repeat a lot of critical phrases directed towards yourself?
I’m not rich/pretty/clever enough? I’m not worthy of abundance/ I can’t have that job/ that person would never love me?
If so, now is the time to become extra observant of those unhelpful mental processes and try to change your thinking habits permanently.
If you can make that shift during this intense cosmic energy, it will stick.
Try sticking post-its around your house, (on the fridge, by your bed, on the bathroom mirror) that say “What are you thinking about?” to help remind you to stay in a positive frequency by shifting your attention and focus.
It’s a great way to bring yourself quickly out of a downward mental spiral.
Following on from that, knowing where your frequency is in general is super important at this time.
Remember how the Law of Attraction teaches us that our thoughts and feelings add up to create our set point of vibrational frequency?
You’ll want to be judicious this month about where your energy is being directed.
- Are you making the kind of aligned choices that support your dreams?
- Are you being pulled and tugged in different directions that don’t serve you?
- Where do you tend to get knocked off your own course, and perhaps tangled into the chaos of other people’s opinions and information?
Be sure to ground yourself and be guided by your own frequency of what feels right to you.
Whenever new things come into your life, or you are asked to make any kind of choice in your life, be very sure that you are tuned into your higher self and that the choice feels loving to you.
Ask yourself if it makes your heart sing? If it brings your energy up? If it makes you feel excited?
If the answer is a true yes, you will feel it throughout your emotional, physical and energetic body. Always be guided by your frequency.
If you are ever unsure about something, simply drop into your intuition, take some deep breaths and listen to your heart.
Shift from your thinking mind to your feelings, your heart space, and intuition.
Your body is your biggest guide, your best friend.
It will always tell you the truth in any situation, so now is a great time to honor that connection as much as possible with meditation and quiet time for yourself.
Be patient and loving with yourself, and always take the time you need before acting upon something.
Helpful Tips to Navigate Eclipse Energy
Heart-centered breathing: When you feel off-kilter, or like your energy frequency has dropped, perhaps you have seen or read something that disturbs you, or had a disagreement with someone — whatever it is that is causing you to feel anxious or blue, try deep breathing into your heart space.
Close your eyes and focus on your heart space/ chakra. Then breathe in and out deeply, as though your heart were a lung.
Allow for just a few moments, for your entire awareness to purely be in this space.
This will help you to calm your nervous system, bringing you back into equilibrium on all levels of your being.
Crystal Healing: Try meditating with Fluorite which is wonderful for neutralizing negative energy, absorbing stressful vibes and encouraging positivity and harmony.
It also helps us to make decisions, to maintain focus and concentration and to connect our intuition with the rational mind.
Unleash Creativity: Do something out of the ordinary that gets you connected to your inner creativity.
Paint a picture, write some poetry, journal, do something that gets your juices flowing — your imagination will be truly flowing at this time, let it soar to new heights!
The main TAKEAWAY from this eclipse is to let your frequency be your guide.
- Who do you want to be?
- What do you want your life to look like?
- Where do you need to break from your past/ from old habits or outdated connections?
- How will you use this time to step into a new, updated, high frequency version of your life?
- Set a strong and clear intention on or around the night of June 10th.
Allow yourself to be deeply connected to your frequency and pulled towards only those things that enhance your life.
Don’t try to control or push things forward, allow the path to clear for you and let the Universe show you the way ahead. Let go and trust.
Mantra for the Gemini New Moon Eclipse
“I can manage my energy fully and direct it only towards positive things that empower and uplift me.”
Thanks in advance
It’s always a pleasure, J R! Happy Manifestation!
Thankyou this was very helpful ☺
That’s perfect, Helen! I’m glad this was timely shared and helpful for you. Happy Manifestation!