Many people are discussing manifesting these days, and that’s good.

This means that they are beginning to see how our thoughts and experiences work together. Manifesting is quite simple; it means focusing on what you want and having your thoughts and actions attract your desire into your life.

You can create a life you haven’t previously imagined. However, you have to put in the work.

Action is one of the least-discussed and least-emphasized elements of manifestation, when actually it is one of the most crucial. When people discuss or read about manifestation, the major emphasis is on thinking positively about what you want.

Then, like magic, it happens.

However, manifestation, although magical, does not just happen. It requires work on your part. That’s the crucial part that many people forget about.

Manifesting assumes that we are in control of our lives instead of being victims of circumstances. The basis of manifestation includes positive thinking and the acceptance that we are capable of having and being just about anything. It removes limiting thoughts from our thinking.

There are examples of manifestation results all around us. People have survived the worst of circumstances – poverty, despair, abuse – and have thrived. Others have lived through the same experiences and have been unable to move on.

Surely, both groups want to succeed. It’s human nature to want the best life possible.

So, why has the first group prospered while the second group has not?

Because focusing on our thoughts and desires is only one part of achieving manifestation success. Keeping truly positive thoughts is important, but the real magic of manifesting begins when you begin to act on your desires.

The Fallacy of Fantasies

Anyone can invoke fantasies about just about anything. This can be about having more money, a better job, or a dream romantic partner.

It’s very easy to have these fantasies, and the majority of people do. The fact is, regardless of how often we fantasize about our favorite idol, we will probably not end up with him or her. Fantasies without action remain unrealized dreams.

This is when many people become disenchanted and dismiss manifestation out of hand. It doesn’t work, they insist. Instead of dismissing manifesting because the genie in the bottle isn’t granting our wishes, we need to embrace the second, very crucial part of manifesting.

We need to commit ourselves to action.

Successful individuals know what it takes to thrive. They begin with a vision, a dream that is in their mind. They keep focusing on that vision with positive thinking. That, however, is just the beginning.

Then, they take the necessary steps to turn their vision into reality.

The Positivity of Taking Action

If you have given up on manifestation because your dreams have remained elusive, know that you can turn those elusive dreams into actuality by taking action.

You should be manifesting your dreams into reality through hard work.

For example, let’s say you are looking for love. You want someone special in your life. So, you focus on exactly the type of person you want, right down to the blue eyes. You spend your time thinking about and imagining this person while you are at home.

Here’s a fact: Unless there’s a fire in your building and a handsome, blue-eyed firefighter rescues you, your dream will remain just that.

Take Action

While you are focusing on your ideal mate, work on looking your best. Lose a few pounds, if necessary, and upgrade your wardrobe.

Go out and be where other singles are – volunteer, join a gym, take a class.

In other words, take action.

Continue to be very specific in your own mind about the type of person you want in your life while you simultaneously act to manifest this person.

That is how you should be manifesting.

Mental focus combined with action will always equal success. It is the equation that will yield you the results you want.

Once you include action in your manifestation routine, you will notice changes in your life. You will gain in confidence and begin to approach more people. You will invite situations that are conducive to meeting others.

Once you start getting the step-by-step of manifestation down, you’re likely to notice that the things you desire start to show up in your life. You are now mentally prepared to open the bottle and have the genie grant your wish. It is hardly magic.

It is you acting in a way that will make things happen for you.

Manifestation can bring many things into your life.

In effect, it can open many possibilities for you. In that respect, it is indeed magic, and you should be manifesting for your best possible life. For more information on manifestation and what it can do for you, check out Manifesting Magic.

Live the life you were meant to live.