This November 30th we have a Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse and get ready because it’s going to be powerful.
This is the first time in nearly 20 years that we are experiencing an eclipse in Gemini, and it is also the final eclipse of 2020.
Not only that, this eclipse acts like an extra powerful full moon that will shine a spotlight on the areas of our lives where we need to shed the past, clear away what we no longer need and let go.
Full moons are always about conclusions and bringing things to a head; a full moon eclipse is just the same but magnified.
Don’t worry though, it’s ideal to have an eclipse like this at the end of what’s been a stressful year for many of us. It acts like a celestial nudge, urging us to clear away the old and make way for the new.
If you are ready for change, this eclipse is ready to give it to you.
Just be aware that eclipses, as a rule, bring in significant endings. They can be chaotic, dredging up the past and bringing to light what you may prefer to have kept in the dark. Ultimately, they will help you to shed baggage and gain closure to situations that you no longer need to experience.
If you do experience endings or closure from the past during this eclipse, give yourself the time to grieve what exits your life, but trust that it was supposed to be. Recognize that whatever leaves your experience during this time was part of a bigger, divine purpose.
While releasing and surrendering might make you feel exposed and vulnerable, trust too that brighter days are coming. Whatever you need to let go of will serve your highest good in the end.
How to make the most of this Lunar Eclipse Gemini energy?
Check the Stories You Tell Yourself
Because this full moon eclipse is in Gemini, an air sign that’s all about communication, we might find ourselves creating stories about things that are not actually reflective of the truth.
It’s a good time to watch your words and to release any old and negative stories that run through your mind that do not serve you.
Find Calm Within
Gemini is the sign of the twins, which, in mythology, are said to represent both the tangible world of Earth and the unseen world. We can understand this symbolism as a reminder that we too are made up of the seen and the unseen.
During this eclipse it’s a good idea to find harmony between our physical and spiritual selves.
Do things to integrate your heart and your mind.
Meditate, find mindful moments in all that you do, spend time in nature and try to calm your mind stepping away from overthinking and towards a quiet, stillness that stems from deep within.
Stay Kind and Grounded
You might also feel distracted during this time, Gemini can bring up restlessness and a sense of duality. It’s going to be important to remain grounded and adaptable.
Practice loving, kind thoughts both to yourself and to others even if you feel pulled in many directions.
Consider where you have the responsibility to make the best of what is happening in your life, rather than be paralyzed into indecision through being pulled off balance.
How can you project kinder thoughts and make kinder choices?
How can you make a promise to yourself to be more compassionate, patient and accepting of yourself?
Take the lead from nature and use this time to be still, quiet and restful, just like the plants and animals preparing for winter.
This is not about making big resolutions or trying to manifest.
This is about being as high vibration and centered as you can, and not neglecting yourself.
And finally, here is a mini moon ritual you can do on or around the 30th November.
- Find a quiet space where you can be alone and undistracted.
- Light a candle if you wish or clear your space with sage or palo santo.
- Take some deep breaths and meditate quietly for a few moments, bringing yourself into the space and finding your center.
- Write down on a notepad or piece of paper a letter to yourself from your future self offering wisdom and guidance to you now. Imagine how it feels to be that future self, what kinds of advice would they be able to offer the version of you now?
- Use your intuition and have fun with this. Use the opportunity to connect with a version of you that exists in the future now. A version of you that has come through challenges, has experienced any endings and intense emotions and is doing wonderfully well.
This exercise combined with the powerful energy of the Full Moon Eclipse enables you to step into a positive, future version of yourself now.
You can lift your vibration and feel moved and motivated by all this celestial action, to be the best and brightest you.
Tend to your own inner flame and find the energy to burn brighter than ever!
This is awesome, it’s of help to me Thank you.
Sending love and light to you, Diana 🙂