Halloween is upon us and something extra special is happening this year. On the 31st October, we have a BLUE MOON in Taurus; this is an incredibly auspicious moon for all of us.

A Blue Moon is a potent, magical occurrence that happens whenever there are two full moons in one month. It symbolizes a powerful time. We had the first full moon in Aries right at the start of the month, and here we are now at the end of the month with a full moon on the last day in Taurus.

Full moons are always associated with release, completion and letting go, so two full moons in one month points to a big theme of release, more than double the normal.

The tradition of Halloween is rooted in the pagan beliefs of Samhain, a time that many different cultures believed represented the thinnest veil between spiritual dimensions (or the veil between the living and the dead).

A Blue Moon falling on this special day amplifies your intuition and helps you connect to your Higher Self and the spiritual dimension with more ease.

The fact that this Blue Moon falls on Halloween and Samhain is strong guidance for us to use this time to connect with spiritual realms, to honor our departed loved ones, those who have passed away and to make the decision to surrender to the ebbs and flow of our lives.

How Do We Make the Most of This Blue Moon?

Reflect on cycles of birth and death

This October 31st is an important time to reflect on your cycle of birth and death energy, whether that be in the form of letting go of the old, making way for the new, birthing new projects, relationships or directions in life.

Consider what you have birthed recently?
What has died?
Where are things in your life still in the in-between stages of life and death? What might you need to let go of and release to create space for the new?

Journal about what comes up for you when you ponder these questions

Taurus – Grounds us to the Earth

The fact that this moon falls in the sign of earthy, stable Taurus serves to ground and connect us to the Earth.
Look to nature if you are feeling stirred up or volatile around this time, which is normal. The cosmos has chaotic energy at the time of a full moon, and it’s important to stay in the present moment as much as possible.
Make sure you take a nice, long walk outside and breathe in the fresh air.

Taurus reminds us to be centered, secure, and calm. It’s a wonderful time to do a grounding or Earth meditation.
This will also help you stay rooted and connected in your physical being, even when you are expanding your spiritual wisdom and intuition.

Mini Full Moon Release Ritual

This ritual will guide you in making the most of these potent full moon energies. I always find that lighting a candle, some incense or burning essential oils enhances the ritual atmosphere and helps create the kind of cleansing, calm space that facilitates this spiritual work.

  • Find a comfortable, quiet space to sit and take a few moments to be still.
  • Mentally think about what kinds of things you want to release.
  • You may have a long list of people you wish to forgive, anyone to whom you are holding any grudge, resentment, bitterness or bad feelings.
  • This may be anyone or anything, any situation that frustrates or annoys you.
  • Take some deep cleansing breaths and write down everything you have just thought about.
  • There may be a long list of names you want to forgive, or a habit, thought pattern or belief that you would like to release. It’s up to you.
  • Write it all down.
  • Now you are going to burn or rip the piece of paper up. It doesn’t matter which you do, the point is to destroy the paper, symbolically releasing what is written there.
  • Now, close your eyes and imagine those things, people, situations, habits, beliefs whatever they were – imagine them being released into the Universe, surrounded by divine light.
  • If it helps you, see them disappearing into silvery, white bubbles of light. Watch them go with a smile, and feel your being lighten with that release.
  • You can say out loud or in your mind,
    “I release what no longer serves me back into the Universe with love.”
  • Now, say a prayer of gratitude for all that is wonderful in your life at present.
  • If you have any loved ones who have passed on, this is a beautiful night to honor their lives, light a candle, say a prayer, play their favorite song and meditate on sending them love and light wherever they may now be.

I hope you enjoy this magical, powerful Blue Moon! Blessings to you all.