All of us have the power to create good and bad experiences in our life. We all have made poor choices at the expense of someone else that we later regretted. There are also times when our own needs tend to get in the way of what we know in our hearts is the right thing to do.

Despite these things, the universe has a way to ensure there remains a balance in our world, hence karma.

Karma is a Sanskrit word that means the cycle of cause and effect. With that, each action, whether good or bad, we take will affect us at some point in the future. The universe will bring back whatever acts you have committed or feeling you caused in another person.

It works like a boomerang, which is here to show us how powerful our thoughts and actions are.

Remember, everything in your life is following the law of karma. There are three types of karmas:

  • Prarabhdha Karma: This is karma that has already been set in motion and is ready to be experienced. There is no way around it, which means you can’t choose to experience it or not.
  • Sanchita Karma: This is the karma that is the sum total of all past karmas. You won’t fully experience this because of time, space, and physical constraints of human life. Instead, it is to be experienced in another incarnation of the soul.
  • Agami Karma: This is the karma that creates the present.

Karmic Cleanse

The karma in our lives may be any of the three types listed above; albeit Sanchita karma may not be fully experienced, it can still present itself in our lives as long as we are here.

Karmic cleanse involves inner work. The first thing is to think of someone in your life who creates obstacles in your life. It could be someone you’re currently involved with or someone from the past. Perhaps, it’s someone you’re not talking to or someone you love.

When you have identified this person, be aware of the feelings you have for this person and uncover things or words they have said or done that hurt you.

Now, it’s time to cit the karmic threads that bind you from this person. This means it’s not necessary to eliminate that person out of your life totally, rather, you will only cut the karmic threads.

As mentioned, this will take a lot of inner work. Be aware how much you want these karmic threads to be gone from your life, and then take back your energy. This will take some time, but when you focus on getting yourself out of this karmic cycle with that person, the better your life will be.

When you are free of the karmic thread in your life, you set yourself free. Therefore, cut the cords—you deserve to be free.

Remember, what goes around will always come around. As much as possible, be good to others and practice compassion because you can count on the universe to give the same treatment back to you.