Have you ever thought about vibrational energy? Vibrations speak volumes!
Do you know that the law of vibration comes first with the law of attraction?
The law of attraction works, but it’s important to understand first how the law of vibration comes into play.
After all, you will need to work on your vibrational frequency first to attract what you want.
The Law of Vibration
In the universe, everything is energy. The energy moves and vibrates, which simply means that everything that you can see, touch, and feel carries its own energy. They all vibrate at a specific frequency.
In order to move to the law of attraction, you need to understand the law of vibration.
One thing that you should always remember is that nothing in the world is static.
The Feeling of Vibrational Energy
Have you ever had a gut instinct about someone? Like, the moment when you know something is up with a person but you just couldn’t put your finger on it?
That is vibrational energy.
In that case, if other people cause a reaction inside you, you also cause reactions in other people as well.
Similar energies attract one another—and I’m talking about the people you hang out with. If you have a positive crew, then that could only mean one thing—you, yourself, radiate positive vibrations, which is pretty amazing.
Now that you know this, try to explore the cause and effect of energy and attraction of similar energies in your life.
So, how do you apply this law in your life?
Figure Out How You Will Feel When You Get What You Want
How would you feel when you finally get what you want? Think about it until you can really feel that feeling. Do whatever it takes to get into that emotional state as much as you can.
You might need to do things or going to places that can give you that feeling. Or the easiest way would be to take a few minutes of each day to just imagine what it will be like once your desire manifests.
Doing this will raise your vibration and eventually, align to the vibration of your desires. And then the law of attraction will work its magic.
Dream Big
There is nothing wrong with small dreams. In fact, if you want to test out the law of vibration, you can start small. It could be as simple as getting to work on time. Or meeting that deadline at work. All you need to do is make a conscious effort to feel the feeling when you finally get what you want.
But never forget that you can always dream big. I encourage it!
Dream big and put yourself in that state of what it feels like to have the dream come true as much as you can.
When it comes to the law of vibration and applying it into your life, it’s all about learning the vibrational frequency of the thing that you want to attract. Know their energetic qualities and match their vibe.
Do you need help with your vibrational frequency? Click here.
Hi there, I’ve been listening to my manifestation magic audio day and night so I’m sure things are taking place in my subconscious mind and just wanted to say thank you
Thank you very much for revealing secrets of what are already existing in the hidden world like the law of attraction and law of vibrations as you mention. In fact we have to accept and experience whats in the real world concerning lives needs to experience.
Thank you for all these concept to enjoy life.