After a long day, all you want to do is get some sleep.

But what happens if you CAN’T sleep???

This happens to all of us, and unfortunately, for some, it’s become a frequent “inconvenience.”

There are a lot of home remedies that can help you sleep — there’s that warm bath followed by a warm glass of milk before hitting the sack or the sheep-counting that loses its effects after some time.

One thing that I do when I can’t go to sleep is to use positive affirmations.


The reason why we can’t go to sleep is subconsciously, there’s something that’s bothering us that puts our minds to work. The things that are bothersome to us can oftentimes get buried in our subconscious but it has its way to resurface and keep us awake until we resolve it.

That’s why I use positive affirmations along with some deep sleep music to help me reach a more positive vibration. When you have positive energy, it’s easier to fall asleep because you get that sense of calm and inner peace.

So, if you’re having a hard time falling asleep, I urge you to use positive affirmations and deep sleep music.

Why Instant Sleep Magic

Using Positive Affirmations & Instant Sleep Magic to Achieve Deep Sleep & Inner Peace

What I highly recommend is the Instant Sleep Magic that you are eligible to get when you purchase Manifestation Magic.

Instant Sleep Magic contains 60 minutes of relaxing healing music that will help you get that deep sleep that you deserve. How it works is you simply play it when you’re about to go to bed.

It will lull you to bed and you’ll end up waking feeling refreshed. Another thing that I love about this is that it is set at a certain frequency that creates positive vibrations. It cleanses your energy and turns it into a more positive one. Its delta frequency also helps you achieve inner peace, which feels amazing in the morning.

Pair that up with some positive affirmations and I assure you, your sleep and mornings will be magnificent!

Your Positive Affirmations For Deep Sleep and Peace

Here are some positive affirmations that you can use:

I release today. I let go of fear, anger, and worry. I release the heaviness of today. I let go of the negative thoughts. As I sleep, I will find the freedom to know peace again.
2. I allow myself to close my eyes tonight and awake refreshed tomorrow. My body, mind, and should are worthy of rest.
3. I am grateful for today. I am grateful for the people I interacted with today. I am grateful for the lessons that I learned today. I am grateful to end this day in which I will sleep peacefully tonight.
4. May my sleep be peace and my dreams filled with love.
5. I choose peace. I will close my eyes and choose to see again with new eyes. Peace begins with me.

Combine these positive affirmations with the Instant Sleep Magic and you never have to worry again about sleep.

Go and have a snooze! Click here to get your Instant Sleep Magic.