What’s your favorite way to manifest?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed with different methods and meditations,
like you’re not sure if you’re doing it right?
I used to feel like that too.
In fact a lot of people feel that.
I was talking to a buddy of mine the other day,
and he told he just can’t handle how much conflicting information there is out there
– he’s not sure if he’s supposed to make a list,
meditate, or chant affirmations at the moon!
It can be a lot, I know.
And it’s even harder if you’re feeling extra desperate about your desires,
it can feel like you’re on a constant search
for the perfect way to create your life, and nothing works.
So I told him about this little hack of mine,
something I started doing a few years ago.
It’s a simple,
beautiful thing that has brought miracles into my life in the easiest of ways.
I discovered it quite by chance one day,
when I was writing a poem in my notebook.
I wasn’t even thinking about what I wanted to manifest,
I was simply using my imagination and I wrote a poem about a beautiful beach
with shimmering blue ocean water.
I remember that I included the details of the way the sun would feel on my skin,
and how the sand was beneath my feet.
I wrote a line about the people I loved gathering there.
I don’t even know what guided me to write that poem,
it seemed to come from somewhere in the depths of my subconscious.
The very next weekend,
a friend of mine from childhood invited me to visit him for a special celebration with his family.
The party was held on a beach that was exactly as I had written about it in my poem.
I was awestruck.
I remember standing with my feet in the water,
surrounded by friends and family on that beautiful beach, thinking
– I dreamed this! I created this.
When I got home after the celebration,
I took my notebook and wrote this on the front cover of it:
Everything I write in this book comes true.
That’s when I started writing more things in my notebook.
Not just in the form of poems, but straight up
– things that I wanted to happen,
the way I imagined feeling,
the kind of person I dreamed of becoming.
I once heard someone say that words are spells – and I couldn’t agree more.
You can literally think, speak,
and write your dreams into existence.
Believe me, I have done it over and over again.
And I always write down what I want to happen in my book. In fact,
I barely go anywhere without that book now.
Of course, sometimes my desires change,
sometimes I don’t know exactly what I want…
but I do know that whenever I am feeling confused,
frustrated or impatient about my life
– I return to my notebook where I know that everything I write down comes true!
Now, you might be thinking, sure
– I can write down I am a millionaire in a notebook,
That doesn’t mean it’s going to come true!
I understand your doubts, I really do.
I can’t explain to you exactly why things like this work,
there is a part of the Universe that is so magical,
I don’t believe any of us truly understand it yet…
But I do know this, if you don’t believe it will come true,
then it probably won’t.
You have to work on your beliefs at the same time,
which is why starting small is best.
If you have 7 Magic Energy Experiments,
you will know exactly why starting small is important.
It helps you to cement your belief in your ability to manifest.
In fact, you can use this hack in conjunction with the 7 Magic Energy Experiments program,
to help you build your confidence and see your manifestations evolve
from small shifts to really big life changes.
This is what I suggest you do:
Write down something you would like to occur,
maybe something like,
Today I will have a great,
loving conversation with someone.
Or, this week will bring me unexpected abundance and things to be grateful for.
Start with things like that and watch how they materialize into your life,
day by day, week by week.
As you progress in this way,
you can start getting more fancy with your desires
and write down the kind of person you would like to meet,
or the kind of job you wish you were doing…
or whatever applies to you and your life.
What matters is that you remain true to yourself
and what you believe is possible.
There is such power in writing it down.
When you write it down, it becomes real.
Words really are spells!
I wish you so much abundance with this
and please let me know in the comments below,
what things you write down that become true!