Calling all dreamers!

On January 29th, the Aquarius New Moon arrives,

ready to beam its inspiration into your life and lift you out of the mundane.

This New Moon is a super exciting one,

and perfectly timed for brining fresh energy filled with potential.

Are you aware that every single day you get to decide how you create your own life?

Every thought you think, every word you speak,

and every single action you take are all forming your future now.

Type “Future” below and claim this energy now!

I see this New Moon as a sort of spotlight on this fact,

highlighting the importance of remembering your dreams and keeping them close

as you navigate the first few months of 2025.

This New Moon brings the energy of unconventional Aquarius,

it emphasizes innovation, being inventive, and open to all potentialities.

If your life is plodding along right now,

this New Moon brings the perfect energy for you to shake things up.

Now is the time to change the status quo.

Aquarius is all about doing things differently,

moving outside of your comfort zone, and experimenting.

The energy of your desires vibrates on a frequency beyond what you are currently experiencing

– if it didn’t, you’d already have your desires manifested!

So it makes sense that in order to create something new,

you have to shake up the old and familiar.

If you previously missed an opportunity in life,

this is the kind of New Moon energy you need to bring that back around again.

Equally, it’s time to expect the unexpected,

and create the emotional and mental space in your life for things you might never have dreamed of to unfold.

You should always believe that something even more exciting and miraculous is going to happen to you,

it’s the only way to keep expanding beyond your current reality.

So how can you make the most of all this fresh New Moon energy?

Firstly, think about how you can change what you are currently experiencing in your life.

As you focus on the future,

be open to doing things in a different way.

This is easier said than done.

We hardwire ourselves into familiar patterns,

literally creating pathways in our brains that always light up in the same way over and over again.

It takes huge strength and motivation to start to do things differently,

but you are more than capable of doing so!

Here’s an easy way to begin:

Divide the changes you wish to make into 3 categories:

  1. Small day to day actions.

These are things like the way you normally wake up and spend the first hour of your day.

The route you take to work or to the store.

Simple, seemingly insignificant things that you might think don’t need changing.

But adding a fresh injection of energy to these tasks is just the beginning of greater change.

  1. Emotional thought patterns.

This is all about how you tend to think about things.

This is much harder to change,

but with small shifts you can get there!

Start by noticing where your thoughts tend to go

when you think about specific situations or relationships.

Do you have a sinking feeling

when you think about meeting a particular friend for coffee?

Maybe that friendship is draining you.

How can you change the way you think and feel about it?

Perhaps it’s time to say no to allowing that person to steal your energy.

Or perhaps you always dread the endings of experiences before they have even begun!

A good example is someone who is already counting the days on vacation,

wishing it never had to come to an end.

How can you bring your focus back to the present?

How can you change the way you approach these feelings?

  1. Large Actions towards your Dreams

This is more about what you are actually doing to actively make your desires manifest.

If you want to open a restaurant,

you have to actually learn how to run a business,

learn how to cook, manage a team etc.

If you want to write a novel,

you have to develop a writing routine that pushes your goal forward!

Even if it feels like you are far from achieving your dreams,

the energy you put towards creating the things that are within your control

is energy that will bring about those desires into reality eventually.

So take this New Moon energy and use it to your advantage.

Create change in your life exploring new avenues and shifting your usual thought patterns,

this is the path to ultimately manifesting all of your dreams.