You know, there’s something magical about October… don’t you think

The air starts to crisp, the leaves start to change… and it feels like the world is resetting. 

Have you felt that shift? 

I want to know…

What’s your favorite thing about October? 

Drop a reply, and let’s chat.

Now, here’s the thing…

October is more than just pumpkin spice and Halloween costumes. 

It’s actually a month of fresh beginnings, all thanks to numerology.

October holds the powerful number 1 vibration—the energy of new starts, action, and bold moves.

Think about it…

October is the 10th month, and when you add 1 + 0, it gives us 1. 

One is a number of leadership, independence, and fresh energy

It’s like planting a seed in your garden after clearing the old growth—you’re starting a whole new cycle.

Are you feeling ready for a new chapter in your life?

Here’s why I’m sharing this…

I believe in the power of energy. 

My purpose is to help you tap into this amazing force the universe gives us. 

And trust me, October’s energy is like a breath of fresh air after a long summer. 

If you’re stuck or want to change, this month is YOUR time.

The universe is ready for you to take action.

New Beginnings Are Calling

October’s energy is like the first day of school—remember that feeling? 

New pencils, a fresh notebook, and the idea that you could be whoever you wanted. 

That’s what October is bringing you. It’s a time to step into something new, to take that leap you’ve been thinking about.

If you’ve got a project you’ve been holding back on, October is saying, 

Go for it!” This is the month to trust your gut, take charge, and make it happen. 

That thing you’ve been dreaming about? 

October wants you to start.

A Time for Independence

One is also the number of independence

This month asks you to trust yourself. Lean into your own wisdom. 

Have you been relying too much on others for validation or direction? 

October is here to remind you that YOU have the answers inside you.

Think of it like this: 

You’re standing at the edge of a diving board, and October’s energy gives you the courage to jump. 

Sometimes, we wait and wait for the perfect moment.

But in truth, it’s all about taking that first step. 

October gives you that nudge.

How to Make the Most of October’s Energy

Here’s the reality…

October’s number 1 energy is fast-moving, so don’t sit still. 

Write down your goals.

Map out your dreams.

And take one action every day that brings you closer to them. 

It doesn’t have to be a big leap.

Just small, steady steps that get you going in the right direction. 

Remember, like a seed, you may not see growth overnight…

But you WILL see progress.

This isn’t just the start of a month.

It’s the start of the last quarter of the year

That’s why it’s the perfect time to reflect on how far you’ve come and set your intentions for how you want to close out the year. 

What new doors do you want to open before the year ends?

To wrap up,

October is like a giant RESET button, and it’s calling you to step into your greatness. 

The time for waiting is over—now is the time to act. 

The universe is on your side this month. 

What are you waiting for?

So here’s my challenge to you: 

What’s the one thing you’ve been holding back on that you’re ready to begin in October? 

Drop it in the comments below, and let’s support each other as we step into this fresh new month with confidence and purpose.