Let’s talk about lunar lessons and how we can understand their energy to improve our lives. 

We’ve got another important cosmic event coming up on October 2nd, 2024 with a super powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra.

This Solar Eclipse is part of a larger cycle of Eclipses that have been falling and continue to fall along the Aries/Libra sign axis from April 2023 to March 2025. 

This is the second Solar Eclipse in Libra for this eclipse set. Eclipses always occur in sets of opposing Zodiac signs. This one is part of the Libra-Aries set. 

This is also the last Libra eclipse in the Libra-Aires set, as the Pisces-Virgo set began in September with the Pisces Lunar Eclipse on September 17th/18th.

This period of time is transformative, dynamic and significant. There will be a spotlight on your desires in relationships, commitments and connections. 

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on October 2nd is like a cosmic portal – signifying the opening and closing of doors and the conclusion of cycles.  A Solar Eclipse always packs more punch than a regular New Moon, so you should feel the energy stronger and its repercussions will last longer. Expect major developments in the areas ruled by Libra in your charts over the forthcoming months. 

Have you ever noticed a particular impact in your life following a New Moon Solar Eclipse or any other significant astrological event? 

Do reply to me and share your stories if you feel called to! 

What to prepare for with the solar eclipse in Libra – commitment, balance, new beginnings, and equality. 

Think profound realizations about all things relationships and connections. Perhaps your desires have been evolving in your closest partnerships, maybe in ways beyond what you had imagined or anticipated. 

This is great energy, both from Libra as a sign of balance, harmony, and commitment, and with the symbolism of new beginnings that we get with all New Moons and particularly with New Moon Solar Eclipses. 

Libra Energy could bring new commitments to new people or make existing commitments stronger. It’s a great time to work on relationships with a positive attitude, you have an opportunity to negotiate, compromise, or resolve any kind of conflicts without compromising your principles or hiding your needs. 

Libra also famously rules balance, so the Libra Solar Eclipse provides an opportunity to find greater equilibrium.

As yourself where in your life have you not had time for things that demand your attention? Now is the ideal time to focus on them. When you are balanced, you will feel more connected to yourself, more secure, and more stable. 

Libra is also a sign of justice and equality, so those themes might become prominent in your life around this time. Work on changing the things in your life that feel unfair or unjust, you will be infusing your reality with the right kind of aligned energy and be supported by the cosmic environment. 

Everything with Libra energy is about making changes with a sense of peace, order, balance, and harmony.  

The Takeaway 

This New Moon Solar Eclipse will wash over us all with fresh, creative energy and an opportunity to smooth out any relationship issues and make important changes in our lives. Peace, order, balance, justice, and harmony will reign supreme. You will likely be drawn to recognize the value of your closest relationships and partnerships and address where you need to renew commitments or discuss important issues with love. 

Navigate this eclipse time with lightness, ease, and love and all that you yearn for and desire will start to fall into place as the year moves to a close.