It’s a new month and a whole new season which can only mean one thing…

a new beginning is possible for all of us. 

If like most people, you’re interested in increasing your finances this fall,

you’re in luck! 

It’s a really wonderful time to start manifesting more abundance, more wealth,

and more money in the bank. 

Have you had any recent success manifesting more money?

Let me know how that’s gone for you by replying to me. 

I know that most people would list more money at the top of their desires.

It’s just one of those universal things, up there with love and career success.

And it’s no surprise, is it?

I mean, money isn’t everything, I would argue that health is more important…

but money CAN make our lives easier, lighter, and more joyful.

That said, I do believe that before you set about manifesting money

you get clear on WHY you WANT to be financially abundant. 

In my case, things shifted when I realized that the reason I wanted financial abundance was

so that I could have an abundance of TIME and FREEDOM to live my life on my own terms. 

For me, that meant the ability to travel when I wanted, the freedom to spend my days how I chose,

and the ability to donate to worthy causes that resonate with me,

as well as treat my friends and family the way I know they deserve. 

Once I realized that what was important to me was my time and freedom,

the path to abundance became clearer.

I just infused it with the right energy, because I knew my WHY. 

Get clear on WHY YOU want to be wealthy, and be HONEST about it. 

Then choose from the following powerful Money Manifesting Rituals: 

Respect your Money 

Money is energy.

How can good energy flow into a place where it is not respected?

I’m talking about a purse stuffed full of crumpled tickets and out of date vouchers. 

Clear up the space where you store your money and you will start to attract more of it.

You want to embody the energy of someone who takes care of their things

and expects them to flow easily to them. 

Take a Money Shower

Imagine the energy of money flowing down whenever you take your shower in the morning.

Picture yourself being energetically showered with this abundance energy.

You can imagine it as a green energy if you like, as green is related to financial abundance. 

While you’re doing this,

don’t forget to visualize the old, stagnant energy of lack disappearing down the plughole. 

Dress and Act the Part

Experienced manifestors understand that you have to start acting

and dressing like you are abundant already.

That can mean whatever it means to you,

you don’t have to start wearing designer labels. 

It just means put on what makes you FEEL abundant.

Wear clothes that lift your vibration,

that help you to step into the vibe of an abundant person. 

Start thinking about what you purchase with an abundance mindset.

Would someone with a positive money mindset worry about spending a few extra dollars

on the shampoo they really want?

If you can afford to, now and again just do the abundant thing

to help you step into that energy with a confident, powerful frequency. 

Choose a Money Mantra 

Money mantras are great to return to when you want to shift yourself into a more positive frequency

and attract wealth. 

Choose which you like and repeat them out loud daily for 21 days

and see what miracles and magic begin to manifest. 

I am a money magnet. 

My mind is open to the infinite supply of wealth. 

Money is energy, and energy flows easily into my life. 

I deserve abundance, ease, happiness and wealth. 

I deserve prosperity. 

I am richly rewarded for all that I contribute to the world. 

Being happy and making others happy is a rich reward.