Are you experiencing relationship issues?

Perhaps you find it challenging to keep a relationship going,

or do you keep getting attracted to the wrong kind of person? 

Maybe you are in a long-term relationship but still feel the traumatic effects from your last break-up,

or perhaps you know that you act out based on unfounded fears or jealousy but you can’t seem to stop it!? 

Does this sound like you? 

Reply to me, tell me what’s going on. 

Each chakra in your energetic body is associated with certain themes.

When that chakra is blocked, those related issues can create a profound impact on your relationships. 

The good news is with simply recognizing and understanding where the blocks are,

you can work to balance and heal the issues they generate by cleansing and working to balance that particular chakra. 

Take a look at the following list of common relationship issues related to each chakra,

and note down which patterns resonate with you. 

Root Chakra – base of the spine.

Associated with grounding, stability and security. 

Relationship Blocks: 

Constant fear for your partner’s safety. 

Concern something will happen to them. 

A lack of energy in your relationship. 

Inability to trust and connect with your partner. 

Feeling ‘on guard’ and unable to relax around them. 

Sacral Chakra – Lower abdomen. 

Associated with creativity, pleasure, and sexuality. 

Relationship Blocks: 

Unexciting sex life/ lack of passion. 

Lack of playfulness and flirting. 

Feeling annoyed at conversations with your partner. 

Feeling disconnected from your own desires and unable to communicate your needs. 

Solar Plexus Chakra – Upper abdomen. 

Associated with confidence, personal power, and self esteem. 

Relationship Blocks: 

Feelings of low self-worth and insecurity. 

Seeking validation and resentful. 

The need to control and dominate. 

Feeling jealous.

Feelings of irritation, aggression, and high emotions. 

Heated arguments and power struggle. 

Heart Chakra – Heart, center of chest. 

Associated with love, compassion, and forgiveness. 

Relationship Blocks: 

Feeling constantly resentful and angry. 

Emotional distance in the relationship. 

Picking faults in everything. 

Not accepting your partner for who they are. 

Misunderstanding feelings and emotions. 

Throat Chakra – Throat area. 

Associated with communication and self expression. 

Relationship Blocks: 

Difficulty expressing your views and being heard. 

Holding back your true emotions and feelings to avoid conflict. 

Disrespect and a lack of connection. 

Desire to change your partner. 

Third Eye Chakra – Center of your forehead. 

Associated with spiritual insight, psychic wisdom and intuition. 

Relationship Blocks: 

Lack of clarity and understanding.

Feeling unable to trust the other person.

Double checking his/her actions. 

Lack of mutual support for each other’s dreams. 

Difficulty making mutual decisions. 

Crown Chakra  – Top of the head. 

Associated with enlightenment, spiritual connection. 

Relationship Blocks: 

Lack of purpose in the relationship.

No motivation to evolve together. 

Struggling to find meaning together or apart, a lack of fulfillment, 

Disconnection from spirituality. 

So what can you do? 

Of course, sometimes we are simply in the wrong relationship

and no matter how much we cleanse and balance our chakras, the dynamic just isn’t right.

However, if you go into a new relationship with your chakras balanced,

it’s unlikely you will even be attracted to someone who isn’t right for you.

Your mutual energies will be in harmony and the Law of Attraction will work in your favor. 

There’s never been a better reason to work on understanding and cleansing your energy body. 

Here are some ideas to unblock those chakras and open the way to better relationships: 

  • Meditation – Practice chakra-focused meditation and visualizations. 

  • Breathwork – Intentional, deep breathing exercises can bring fresh, revitalized energy to stagnant areas of your chakras. 

  • Sound Healing – Listen to healing frequencies, sound bowls, or mantras to help align your chakras. 

  • Movement – Practice yoga or other gentle exercises to promote healthy energy flow and chakra alignment. 

  • Emotional Release – Use somatic techniques to release stored emotions that have accumulated in your energy body over time. 

  • Journaling – Writing down everything you feel and are aware of around your particular relationship blocks can help to clarify and clear those issues. 

  • Crystals – crystals can correspond to particular chakras and increase the energy of that chakra to support their balance. Use them during meditation, or wear them as jewelry. 

  • Energy Healing Modalities – Reiki or similar energy healing can work on an unseen level to shift blocks and release obstacles.