We are heading into our second Capricorn Full Moon of the year, on July 21st.

Also known as the Thunder Moon or Buck Moon. 

What is your favorite time in the lunar cycle?

Let’s start a conversation, reply to me. 

You may recall we already had a Capricorn Full Moon this year, on June 21st.

The fact that we have another so soon afterwards,

means that they are energetically and thematically connected. 

Cast your mind back to June 21st of this year.

What issues were present for you then?

More information may come to light around anything you were dealing with at that time,

or you may feel that you now have the solution to any problem or situation that was going on. 

You could also feel a sense of completion to a larger situation

or challenge that you have been dealing with over the last few months. 

The most potent themes of this Capricorn Full Moon are about letting go of anything

that stands in the way of you realizing your fullest potential. 

Any limiting beliefs, fears, and old stories that you are holding onto need to be released at this Full Moon,

so that you can step boldly into the life you are meant to live! 

Capricorn Traits and Full Moon Energy 

Capricorn is the sign of the zodiac known for its hardworking and ambitious character.

It’s an earth sign linked to discipline, a steady work ethic, and stability.

Those traits make this sign a great energetic match for focusing on your goals

and releasing anything standing in your way of achieving them. 

You can harness this energy to get really focused on what you want to achieve

going forward for the next few months. 

While a Full Moon is about release,

and a New Moon is about setting intentions,

you can still have your goals and intentions in mind at this time. 

BUT, instead of focusing on setting intentions,

you can use the energy to clear out what’s standing in the way of them manifesting,

so that when the New Moon comes around again in two weeks time,

you’ll be ready to get more clarity and align your energy more accurately with what you want to attract. 

The following ritual will help you to let go of anything holding you back,

and raise your vibrational frequency to match that of the life you desire. 

The Full Moon Ritual 

Begin by preparing a sacred space in which you will not be disturbed. 

This could be outside, under the moonlight, or in your home.

Perhaps you have an altar of some kind where you keep your crystals, candles and prayers. 

Whatever just feels like a quiet, peaceful space for you is perfect.

There’s no right or wrong. 

Now, close your eyes and meditate for a few minutes or as long as feels right for you. 

You can follow a specific meditation, or listen to calming music or solfeggio frequencies. 

Once you feel that you have cleared your mind and calmed yourself to be as present as possible,

you are going to begin a spiritual self-inquiry. 

Breathe in and out and inquire,

do you have an undercurrent emotion or feeling of anxiety that you just cannot shake off? 

Let it rise up into your mind and energy body, and feel it. 

Now, if you had to give it a name of some kind, what would that be?

Is it anxiety, fear of failure, unworthiness, scarcity?

Try to identify the feeling as best you can. 

Instead of pushing away this anxiety into the shadows where it controls you unconsciously all the time,

let it be felt by inviting it in fully. 

Allow that icky feeling, whatever it is, to sit beside you and be present with you. 

Imagine it taking form, however that may look to your imagination, and see it beside you. 

Now, feel the energy of prayer and release, powered by lunar energy rising up within you. 

If you like, you can repeat the following in your mind or speak the words aloud. 

I am a strong, powerful, creative being. I am ready to claim my life. 

As I let go, I release these feelings that dim my light and block me from reaching my potential. 

I release the cords to this old trauma and pain. 

I no longer need to carry that with me. 

I allow it to take the time it needs. 

I trust that in acknowledging and releasing this pain,

I am allowing it to dissolve forever. 

I am loved.

I am worthy.

I am light and love. 

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 

And so it is. 

Now you have done the work, relax, trust that the Universe is doing the rest.