Chakra clearing does not have to be super complicated.

It can literally be as simple as taking 3-5 minutes to do a meditation or visualization whenever you have time. 

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the idea of clearing or unblocking your chakras?

Share your experience and reply to me, I’d love to hear about it. 

I’m here to tell you that it can be so simple to include short daily practices

that support the health of your chakra energy centers. 

Even if you are not sure which of your chakras needs your attention,

doing these exercises will bring fast healing to wherever it is needed. 

Let’s take a look at some of the most effective and easy chakra clearing visualizations

and meditations for you to start including in your daily or weekly routine. 

Before you try any of these,

make sure to ground and center yourself first by breathing in and out deeply a few times.

I also advise reading through the visualization or meditation a few times first,

to ensure you can focus your pure attention on what you are doing in the moment with confidence. 

1. Breathing Colors

As you focus on your breath, close your eyes and inhale deeply.

Now visualize yourself breathing in the color green,

see the color green as a light energy bathing all of your cells and your bloodstream. 

Now, as you exhale, breathe out the color yellow. 

Now, breathe in deeply and imagine you are inhaling the color blue,

and see it bathing all of your cells in your body.

Now, breathe out the color orange.

Then breathe in the color purple, and breathe out the color red.

Imagine each color cleansing all of your cells and balancing your energy

and the connected pathways between each chakra center. 

2. White Light 

Imagine a large beam of glowing, white and very bright light shining down through the crown of your head.

Feel its bright warmth and healing light.

Now, see in your mind’s eye this light penetrating the inside of the top of your head,

clearing away any darkness or blocks from your chakras as it shines through them one by one.

You can imagine this like a huge flashlight, shining only light through the dark places. 

Start with your crown chakra and then follow the light as it illuminates your third eye,

your throat, your heart, solar plexus, sacral and root chakras. 

Observe as this brilliant light balances each chakra in turn,

simply with the power of its energy frequency and your intention to clear your energy body. 

3. Big Glass Globes 

As you take some deep breaths to feel grounded and calm, settle into the moment.

Now, visualize eight big glass globes stacked on top of one another.

You can imagine them like giant glass marbles, or balls of clear light.

They are stacked in order of the chakras, starting with the top: 

Purple/ White 







Imagine them amplifying and growing brighter, as the light within each one grows larger and brighter.

See them getting bigger and bigger, until they are all the same size.

Imagine that each globe is completely transparent, clear and without blemishes. 

4. Vacuuming the Chakras 

As you sit comfortable, imagine a giant vacuum tube with an enormous, powerful suction.

This is designed to clear away any dark, stagnant energy you have.

Imagine the tube entering your energetic body through the top of your head. 

Now, set the intention for the vacuum to cleanse your entire physical and light body wherever it is needed,

or set the intention for it to clear a specific chakra, if you feel that is necessary for you. 

In Conclusion 

Choose whichever of these visualizations resonates for you,

and set the goal of including it once or twice a week for the next month.

30 days is a great time period to know whether or not something is working for you.

See how you feel, energetically, spiritually, and emotionally after including these exercises in your life. 

Let me know how it goes for you!