Are you aware that the Universe is always sending loving guidance to you in the form of signs and synchronicities?

Maybe you have an understanding that this happens but you don’t know how to access these signs or really have a grasp on what they could mean for you.  

Angel number signs are some of the ways that the Universe uses to speak to us. 

It’s so important to remember that the Universe wants to help you!

It’s always gently urging you along your path toward the most authentic, happiest, fulfilling, and purposeful version of your life. 

All you need to do is to learn just how to read the signs that the Universe shows you. 

A great way to practice understanding the signs is to actually ask the Universe to specifically help you with an issue or challenge you are experiencing. 

Maybe you’re confused about the direction your life is currently taking.

Maybe you are tired of not finding the soulmate you yearn for.

Perhaps you’ve been in two minds about which way to go with your business, or you just want confirmation about a decision you are taking. 

Whatever keeps bugging you is probably the thing you should choose to gain clarity on.

Once you have decided what it is you want a sign from the Universe about – you can do the following: 

  1. Ask the Universe clearly that you would like to receive an angel number sign. 
  2. If you like you can be very specific about the angel number you want to receive. For example – 11:11 or 22:22 

11 11 is a profound sign that you are on the right path for your divine life purpose and are going through a crucial time of spiritual growth and awakening. 

22 22 is a powerful sign that you are living your life on an aligned path and following your divine soul mission. 

  1. Ask the universe for the sign to be shown to you during a specific time period. For example, over the next 24 hours or longer – over the next 3-5 days or week. 
  1. Ask the Universe to make the sign very obvious to you. (You don’t want to be second-guessing whether or not it was the right sign or whether or not it was meant for you!). 

REMEMBER trying to control what the Universe shows to you is not the way to go about this process.

If you are feeling impatient, anxious, or worried that the sign won’t appear you will only slow down the magic! 

The Universe is all about FLOW not FORCE.

It helps if you have developed an open mindset and are in touch with your intuition.

That way, you are more relaxed, trusting, and able to receive your special angel number when it’s intended. 

A great way to practice this open state of mind is to include meditation and mindfulness in your life. 

Be mindful, let go and trust the process. The Universe really is benevolent!

It wants to guide you, that’s exactly why you are here.

To move in beautiful synergy with the divine energy all around us. 

Have faith that everything you are shown is always for your highest good.