Why Should You Care about Astrology? 

Using astrology to gain clarity on your life and soul’s purpose is a savvy way to navigate through the world.

When you have an understanding of cosmic events and how they may affect you, you gain tools to best use the energy to your advantage for a better relationship to money and abundance, health, relationships, your work in the world, and everything you define success by!

We are approaching the first eclipse of 2023, AND the first Aries eclipse on April 19/20th. 

This Aries Total New Moon Solar Eclipse is actually one of the most important events of the year cosmically speaking!

The sun will be entirely eclipsed and the message it brings is all about stepping completely into your most authentic life. 

In the time between now and the New Moon Solar Eclipse, there are lots of ways you can prepare for this potent and magical event in order to get the best out of the energy. 

We can feel the fizzing energy frequency of this eclipse for up to a month before and after it actually takes place – it’s never just about the day, but the days before and after too. 

This is going to be the first eclipse in Aries since the year 2015, plus it kicks into motion a whole new cycle of eclipses that will occur up until March of 2025. 

New Moons tend to be times of new beginnings, enthusiasm, excitement, and inspiration. Eclipses always come in pairs, and the second will arrive on May 5th – a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio – so remember that date too. 

In fact, it’s good to know that all the eclipses in a series are united in a theme that unfolds with each one over a course of months. 

If you can, reflect on where your life was back in October 2013- September 2015, (the last Aries-Libra Eclipse cycle), as similar themes may arise for you, or you may find yourself evolving from any lessons that were given to you during that time period. 

A great way to think of any eclipse is as though it were a big restart. Kind of like rebooting your computer.

A new moon solar eclipse like this one has the strength and potency of three new moons at once!

So you can imagine how much power there is behind setting intentions and manifesting during this time. 

Eclipses always swiftly remove anything not working in your life or detracting from your soul growth. But remember, when something ends, something else always begins. 

Eclipses are usually dramatic and incite important change.

They want to shake us up, support us, and get us moving in a better direction. If you’ve been feeling complacent, eclipses will make sure you are pushed into fast action. 

An eclipse is always about moving forward. Whatever changes occur in your life during an eclipse, they are usually about progress.

You cannot backtrack to an old situation or revisit energy from the past.

Once you have moved forward, you have to continue on – even if you don’t like the changes you have made.

Any future choices you make to evolve must be based on new energy, not old ways of thinking. 

Never be afraid of an eclipse, whatever changes it brings are always about urging us toward a higher state of consciousness. 

Eclipses like the one coming up in April usually revolve around new beginnings. This is so exciting because it means you can use the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse to forge a new pathway in your life. 

This is accentuated by the fact that it falls in the fire sign of Aries – connected to new beginnings and forging ahead with confidence. 

You really do have the stars on your side to shift your life in a brand new direction at this time. 

If you’ve been wanting to manifest new people, events, and experiences into your life – this is your moment to take full advantage of the creative energy! 

We are all co-creators with the Universe, and we can work with that fact to set intentions, raise our vibrational frequencies, and bask in the energy of making things happen. 

You will feel the motivation within you to design the life you truly yearn for. 

This eclipse gives you added power to confidently put yourself out there, seek new opportunities, trust in divine timing, and most of all in yourself as you reveal your true authentic self. 

Imagine this eclipse like a doorway you are going to walk through and not look back. This doorway leads to the blessed life you desire, so prepare for that now. 

Action Points to Take:

  • Get clear on your vision.
  • Activate your passions. 
  • Focus on goals. 
  • Do not let anyone or anything steal your energy or your time. 
  • Practice visualization every single day.
  • Meditate. 
  • Nourish yourself – a healthy body equals a healthy mind. 
  • Know your worth and stand in your power. 
  • Abolish self-doubt and self-criticism. 
  • Recognize that you deserve to be seen for who you really are.
  • Be open to any relationship changes and breakthroughs. 

Exercise to do prior to the Eclipse: 

Write down on a piece of paper (it’s better to do this by hand rather than electronically), all of the things you want to leave behind. 

There’s great power in putting pen to paper with this, so do not discount it. 

Write down everything from throwing out old clothes to deciding to stop spending time with people who don’t value you. 

Read this list every single morning to remind you of what you are leaving behind.

You do NOT want to carry forward anything negative with you through the doorway of this new eclipse into your new life. 

As much as possible, visualize yourself living the life you dream of, and most of all work to BELIEVE manifesting that life is possible. 

Stay tuned for more information on how to set the best intentions with this incredible eclipse soon!