There is no person I would use as an icon of the Crown Chakra.
It is a deeply sacred and personal experience for every one of us.
But the growth of the lotus flower is likened to the seven chakras.
The Sanskrit name Sahasrara means “thousand-petalled”.
It refers to the image of the white lotus flower representing the highest level of consciousness.
While a thousand petals of a lotus flower reach its highest consciousness level, the lotus grows in a pool of water.
Like our Root Chakra that draws energy from the earth, the lotus’ roots sink deep into the mud at the pool’s base, drawing nourishment from the earth.
The earth’s nourishment encourages the stem’s upward growth, the Sacral Chakra, and lower branches, the Solar Plexus Chakra.
At the water level, the midway point, the leaves spread out as a platform, and the Heart Chakra, and the flower bud form.
You can think of the flower as the highest expression of the plant, Throat Chakra.
Under the light of the cosmic sun, the bud begins to open, the Third Eye, and the flower finally opens to full bloom, full consciousness, the Crown Chakra.
We can use this example of lotus in our lives.
The seed of potential, no matter what our circumstance, is in us all.
By working with our chakras, we can open and sense our potential.
When we balance and energize each chakra, we reach our highest consciousness.
We bring this potential and energy into the world with the Sahasrara affirmation “I am”.
Sahasrara or Crown Chakra
The Seventh Chakra
Represents: Higher Consciousness, Connection with the formless, Realisation of limiting patterns
Blocked by: Greed, Ego
Location: Just Above Center of Head
Color: Violet or White
Mantra: Om/Ohm
Nature Sound: None
Stones: Amethyst, Auralite 23, Super 7, Lepidolite, Purple Fluorite, Scapolite, Selenite, Stitchtite, Charoite, Sugilite
God / Goddess: Shakti, Quan Yin
Governs: Pituitary for Sleep and Pineal Gland, the master of all other glands
Governs Emotions: Compassion and Love
Purpose: Consciousness
Common Addictions: Shopping
Essential Oils: Lavender, Rose, Frankincense, Helichrysum
Why Should I Work on My Sahasrara?
- If you have a sense of elitism.
- If you have neurological or endocrine disorders.
- If you suffer from sleep disorders.
- If you experience depression and mental fog.
- If you are materially focused and constantly need more.
- If you are bored and frustrated.
An unbalanced Crown Chakra also plays a role in learning difficulties and mental illness.
If you suffer from the list above, explore your Sahasrara with us.
Symptoms of Overactive Sahasrara Chakra
- God Complex
- Over-intellectualising
- Mental Illness
- Stroke
- Alzheimer’s
- Insomnia
- Schizophrenia
- Dizzy
- Financially Irresponsible
- Manic
Symptoms of Underactive Sahasrara Chakra
- Depression
- Apathy
- Extreme Skepticism
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Materially Focussed
What Can I Do to Heal My Sahasrara?
1. Ensure Quality Sleep
Ensure you cut out technology and screens before bedtime.
Sahasrara is associated with the pineal gland, which governs sleep and sleep patterns.
By getting good quality rest, you are repairing and restoring the body and mind.
2. Keep an Amethyst Under Your Pillow
The purple energy of the amethyst is very soothing to the brain, helping to calm anxiety.
Keep an Amethyst under your pillow when you sleep to ensure quality sleep.
3. Apply Lavender Essential Oil Blend onto your Crown Chakra
Blend 4 drops of Lavender oil to 20 ml (or 4 teaspoons) into a carrier oil.
Dab the blend on top of your head.
4. Go Outside for Some Sunshine
The Sahasrara element is the sun so spending time in the sun will heal this chakra.
5. Fasting
Fasting naturally opens our spiritual awareness.
If you can handle the hunger pangs and uncomfortable feelings it brings on, you can free up energy that would typically be mentally and physically occupied with food.
6. Wear Amethyst
Wearing an amethyst, due to its incredible healing abilities, is a great way to keep this chakra balanced during the day.
7. Meditate or Pray
The purer and simpler it is, the better.
Get quiet with the simple closing of your eyes and focusing on your breath.
When you are calm and at peace, communicate with your guardian angel, or say a prayer.
8. Chant Sahasrara Affirmations
“Om Namah Shivaya”
“I am”