There are many mysteries about the moon that have yet to be fully explained.

It is a powerful force in our lives and impacts everything from personality, and perspectives, all the way down to how we feel at any given moment.

The moon’s cycles are an excellent way to understand yourself better and see how you fit into the world.

The four major phases, as well as each of the four intermediate ones, have their own meaning, which can help us on our journey through life.

I started to fall in love with the moon when I was young.

I felt closer to nature, to everything around me when the moon was full.

I have always loved to sit outside and just gaze at it. It gave me this sense of peace.

It brought forth calming energy that soothed my mind and body.

Even as I got older, it became a habit for me to watch it bloom.

I watched it jump from one phase to the next. That’s when I got curious about moon rituals.

Moon rituals are activities that allow us to get one step closer to the divine.

And I want to share with you moon wealth rituals that I have been doing that I am sure you haven’t heard about.

You can try these on the next full moon. Ready? Let’s dive in.

1. Moon-Charged Water

When the moon is full, you can bottle up its energy and use it for so many things in your home.

It is a must-have if you want to attract a life of abundance. Here’s what you’ll need:

• A container with a lid – even a mason jar is okay

• Clean water

What you’ll do:

• Grab your container and fill it with water.

• Place it outside during a full moon and leave it overnight.

• While your water is collecting energy, it is time to set your intention. Think about what you want to manifest – be it wealth, good health, love or success.

• On the next day, get your water and rub the jar a bit as if showing your care.

What you can do with it:

• Use it to charge your crystals.

• If you need luck or help for the day, you can add some in your drinking water.

2. Cook a Healthy Meal

Maybe you’re wondering, what does a healthy meal have anything to do with the moon?

Clearing your physical space like an office or bedroom is already a common thing to do during new moons or full moons.

But what about your body? It needs to be cleansed as well.

So, go ahead and give time to create a meal that fulfills you.

Choose foods that are fresh, and unprocessed with lots of vegetables and fruits.

This will help you feel renewed and recharged, ready to attract more positivity in your life.

3. Unwind

Yes, you read that right.

You can do nothing on a full moon or new moon.

You can simply, lie down, catch some sleep or binge-watch your favorite series.

It is up to you. Doing this allows you to focus on yourself.

Celebrating the moon doesn’t have to be action-packed.

Sometimes all you need is a good rest and that’s when you’ll feel much better.

Which of these moon rituals are you doing to try next?