Big, bright, and beautiful Capricorn Super Full Moon vibes are already in the air!

On July 13, we have the Full Moon falling in the sign of the earthy Sea-Goat Capricorn.

This Full Moon comes as a powerful portal of self-discovery and a chance to clear away anything getting in the way of your success!

It brings intense awareness of what you need to do to create the best version of yourself, particularly thinking about the next six months ahead.

What’s the Moon Cycle all about?

You can think of the entire moon cycle each month as a spiritual tool to assist you in your healing and evolution.

New Moons begin the cycle, and Full Moons are the halfway point.

Each time we have a Full Moon we have the chance to consider what we want to release in order to manifest our visions and create our dreams.

At each New Moon, we can set intentions and think about what we want to create for our lives.

At each Full Moon, we integrate that version of ourselves, and show how we have embodied it to the world!

Full Moons are also a time to fully step into who we are becoming without fear of criticism or judgment.

Every time there is a Full Moon you can ask yourself what it is that you personally need to balance, absorb and embody.

Once you know what that is, you can release what doesn’t serve that path and what holds you back from meeting your highest potential.

Full Moons can often be emotionally intense, but ultimately they are essential for you to embrace your highest potential, and step into a new way of being, feeling, and sharing your gifts with the world.

What’s the Capricorn Super Full Moon all about?

This particular Full Moon brings some heavy energy with it, but also the potential for healing, growth, and success.

Some of the main points to consider for this full moon for all zodiac signs are:

  • Owning your actions – where are you not following through with your plans, goals, and dreams?
  • Where do you need to accept that some things are just not working? It’s ok to let go or change any ideas you had a few months ago. You don’t need to stick to your old dreams if new, better dreams have come to take their place!
  • You may need to confront what is not working and take responsibility for anything that unfolded differently from how you expected. Facing up to challenges can empower you further if you are not afraid to accept where you might have made a mistake.
  • Be mindful of your communication and always speak from the heart. There may be difficult conversations that arise this week and you will need to be as grounded, practical, and mature as possible to navigate them. Capricorn energy will help support this!
  • Don’t neglect to be mindful of your self-talk too. The way you speak to yourself on a daily basis has huge ramifications in your life. Try to make your inner talk positive, hopeful, and compassionate. Notice where you self-sabotage and make an effort to change the words you use.
  • Create practices that help you to heal and move forward towards your dreams – anything you can add to your routines like meditation, a nightly bath, journaling, or yoga will be of great help to you during this time.
  • Remember! The Sea-Goat Capricorn is a hardworking sign. This Full Moon is going to reveal where you need to push yourself to tap into the vein of abundance and finally reach the success you dream of in all areas of your life.

This Moon energy urges you to take any radical steps toward the life you want to lead, starting with owning your mistakes!

Take accountability and be responsible for everything you do and you will leap ahead into a brand new self-empowered vibration.

What can you do to embrace the energies?

This is a simple ritual you can do with a crystal around the time of the Full Moon to attract self-empowerment and success.

Choose your favorite crystal and hold it in your hands.

Sit where you are comfortable in a quiet space.

Think about anything that you want to get rid of that is holding you back from the success you desire.

These could be things you need to take responsibility for, procrastination, self-doubt, lack of self-esteem, or anything at all that comes to mind that you know you need to release.

Write those things down on a piece of paper.

On another piece of paper write down the things you want to replace those qualities with instead.

These could be things such as confidence, courage, the ability to make progress each day, self-belief, etc.

Now ask the crystal in your hand to help you release those qualities you no longer want in your life, and instead to help you embrace the new qualities that you would prefer.

Try to feel the energy of the crystal infusing you with the courage and self-belief to follow your dreams.

Finally, repeat the following affirmation aloud.

“I am ready to live my highest purpose and I take responsibility for my life so that I can make my dreams a reality”

Now go forth and live your highest potential with courage!