I’m going to be honest.
I have received a lot of emails like this one: Many times I receive emails like this:
“I’ve been practicing the Law of Attraction for months and nothing is happening in my life. Am I doing something wrong?”
I want to clear the air by saying… the Law of Attraction is a law that works when you work with it too.
The more effort and attention we put into manifesting our desires, the higher the chances of them turning into reality.
You can work with the Law of Attraction or against it, but if you’re going to manifest anything in life, then make sure your intentions are good and true because everything will fall into place eventually.
It’s like making fire. You need wood to get heat. And that wood is action.
When I manifested a $10,000 writing contract, yes, that came from the most unexpected source.
But I did act before. This person knew that I’m a writer and that I’m looking for work.
It’s not like someone came and knocked at my door, offering me money.
The Law of Attraction is not an illusion. It helps align people, circumstances, and situations that you need to manifest what you really want.
But you can’t simply sit back and relax.
The Universe can help you but as a co-creator of your destiny, you have to put in work too.
Actually, there are three elements to manifestation, and I’ll explain them here.
Maybe you’ve never heard them explained, as many spiritual gurus are afraid to state the truth because they’d lose customers.
The first one is faith.
You must have faith that what you’re doing will work.
You know, you have complete confidence that if you get behind a steering wheel, you can drive.
Or that if you want to prepare your own scrambled eggs, you can do this.
You’re not anxious about it because you’ve done it thousands of times before.
So it is with the universe.
If you believe it won’t work, then you’ll project a negative energy field and you’ll manifest the opposite, your actions not working.
Your outcome follows your energy and when you focus on the negative, guess what?
You get more of that negative.
Faith is the hardest to cultivate.
Most practitioners of manifestation enter this with a feeling of “well, I don’t really believe this but I’ll try it anyway”. And because of this, it doesn’t work.
It’s like throwing a wrench into the mechanism of manifestation. It’s like being a salesperson and going to someone and saying “you wouldn’t really want to buy my product, wouldn’t you?”
The other person will say no. If you don’t have enough faith in your own product to be confident about it why should the other person want it?
So is with manifestation.
If you don’t have enough faith that your desired outcome will happen, the universe will give you exactly what you fear.
It will give you a negative outcome, based on what you really focus on, and what you don’t want to get.
The second element is acting.
Action is a strange thing here because it’s not the most important thing.
Faith is far more important than action. But still, you need to do your part.
What you need to know is that the universe doesn’t really care about your how.
Things will not happen as you wish them to happen.
Instead, you must get very clear on what you desire and then keep your eyes open for all the doors the universe will open for you.
Here, the universe is like a guide telling you where to go and what to do.
When an opportunity appears, jump on it, and take advantage, as this is the blessing, the gift of the universe.
Don’t predict when it will appear, just expect it and know it will happen (the development of faith I’ve talked about earlier).
The path from start to finish will differ completely from what you expect right now, and this is how it is supposed to happen.
Third, get very clear on what you want. I mean, extremely clear.
Write your goals. Write them in detail.
If you want to manifest a new house, don’t just write a new house. Write the size and what it will look like.
What type of tiles will you have in the bathroom? How big will the TV be in the living room? What about the color of the walls in the bedroom?
The clearer you get, the easier it will be.
Don’t ask for a second how you will get this. Just get clear on what you want to get.
A friend of mine wanted to find love in his life.
So he wrote a 12-page description of the woman he wants to attract. He went into detail, from what books would she read to even the color of her eyes.
In the end, the entry in his journal was so long it could have been a movie casting. And guess what?
Just five weeks later, he met her. 95% of everything he had written came true.
It was like he manifested this human being on this planet.
You know what was the only major difference? She was a redhead instead of a blonde.
But her education, her job, her interests, her love in pets, her sense of humor, everything came true. And he’s not the only one.
I know people who wrote 30 pages on how their ideal home would look like.
Less than a year later, they moved into that house.
Sure, not everything came true, sometimes the kitchen used marble instead of granite or the fireplace was European style instead of the US one but most of them did.
This is how the universe works.
You get very clear on what you desire and then you add emotion to it.
You develop faith. You act and think not if this will happen but that it will happen soon.
The only uncertainty is when. Then you surrender to the universe and let it find the how for you.
When it does, when the right people, circumstances, places, whatever you may need shows up, then you act.
You walk the path. And the universe will help you every step of the way until you are there.
Step 1: You get clear on what you want.
Step 2: You develop absolute faith that you’ll get it.
Step 3: You act when the universe opens the door for you.
It’s as simple as that.
This is how I manifested the life I have. It wasn’t hard work.
It wasn’t anything special. I followed these three steps.
What do you think? Are you ready to strengthen the Law of Attraction using faith and action?
Faith without work is death, faith is believing with out seeing proof, but must work out then believed miracle then occurred.
I loved the explanation on the steps I have faith I just don’t show that much emotion but I get it thank you for sharing.
Love the spirit, Lisa. Thank you for your kind words.