The Law of Attraction is a powerful tool to help us live the life we desire…

But it’s not just a one-time thing that you should do.

You can’t simply meditate once and expect your manifestations to come true.

Embracing the Law of Attractions means you have to change the way you think, act and live your life.

When you use the Law of Attraction, it becomes clear that this isn’t just about techniques or tricks.

It’s a way to live your life. You must have an empowered perspective on what’s happening around you every day!

The law in its simplest form says like attracts like so by following this principle we can have more control over where our thoughts go.

Being mindful goes a long way.

But aside from that, there are law of attraction hacks that have the power to change your life.

1. The Power of the Present

When you think of the Law of Attraction, it’s not all about meditation and techniques.

It’s also about staying in the present. LOA may seem like it’s all about forward-thinking and outcomes but not really.

LOA teaches us to enjoy the moment and to allow new and amazing things to come into our lives.

It’s about enjoying the present and cherishing what is happening before us. Give yourself the gift of the present.

Don’t be too attached to what’s supposed to happen next that you forget what’s right there in front of you.

2. Find Balance Between Negativity and Positivity

You might have always read about positivity is key in LOA but that is not the case.

You must learn to balance the scales and believe in both. Positivity cannot exist without negativity.

In order for you to truly appreciate the good, you must learn and feel the bad too.

Find the balance and let it guide you on the right path.

3. What is Your Why

This question is about what you’re trying to manifest. Why do you want to manifest it?

Think about this question as you go on your manifestation journey.

If you want to manifest abundance – specifically a house of your own or a car – ask yourself why? Why is this your priority compared to other things?

Once you find your answer, hold on to that and use that to propel you to greater things.

Use that until you turn your dreams into reality.

The Law of Attraction is for everyone.

Don’t be afraid to use it to your advantage to lead the life you desire.

Believe in yourself and when you start doubting, read the hacks above and continue to hope and look forward to what you want to manifest.

You are a capable being. You have the power within you to live that life you want.

Go for it.

Which of these LOA hacks resonates with you the most?