Energy is the fuel of life. ⚡️The basis of existence. How much you have of it has a huge influence on the quality of your work, relationships, emotions and your ability to live an abundant life.
Having a lot of energy is literally the definition of good health. The more you have, the more you can accomplish.
Think about how much endless energy children seem to have.
As we grow older we tend to lose a lot of that fresh enthusiasm and energy of our younger years. That’s something we generally accept as inevitable, however, I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be true for you!
People seem to underestimate their ability to control their energy levels with simple life changes.
The importance of energy and how much it can change your life is something I want to discuss here today.
There are many ways to harness the energy of your youth again or increase your energy from wherever you are at in your life right now in order to accomplish so much more.
My spiritual life journey has come with various lessons that have shown me the correct path to maximizing my energy.
Sometimes that has been through eliminating old habits and reducing certain activities and behaviors.
Sometimes it has been through taking on new habits and making dietary changes.
Often our energy can be controlled through our own pure mental focus.🧠 A combination of all these strategies is the best way to ensure you get a handle on your energy levels again.
Read on to find out what changes you can make to increase your energy.
9 Ways to Increase your Energy
1. Shift your focus to others
One surefire way to increase your energy at the moment is to shift your attention away from yourself and your problems to those around you. When you do this, you change the way your energy field responds to things. You find ease and energy in thinking less about yourself and instead, create a sense of peace within by listening to other people. In turn, others will respond more positively towards you and that will also boost your energy.
2. Overcome fatigue by identifying your aspirations
Energy comes from our will. If we have the will, we have the energy. If we don’t have the will, our energy becomes blocked and we get tired. If you are feeling tired 😰 all the time, it’s worth considering whether you are resisting the work you have to do or some aspect of your life that feels forced.
When you are excited by your life you have energy. Check-in with your aspirations and try to see where you can overcome your unwillingness to follow through with things. That will release energy and you can overcome your tiredness.
3. Change a habit
Making small changes in your habits can boost your energy levels. A break in your routine or a different way of doing something helps new energy to surge through you. Think about something you do every day like showering, brushing your teeth, driving to work or cooking.
Become very mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and movements during each habit. Now change the way that you do it, break out of your usual ways and create new thoughts, feelings, and sensations around that habit.
4. Harness the power of breathing
Most people take shallow breaths due to constant stress and the unconscious habit of always breathing that way. Have you ever noticed how babies breathe from their stomachs? That is actually the most natural way for us to breathe.
The human body is largely made up of oxygen, so it makes sense that for us to maintain optimal energy we need oxygenation of our cells through nutrition 🥗, fluid intake, exercise and proper breathing.
Each day tries to take ten breaths from the belly 3 times a day (at least). As you do this exercise, make sure you inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 10 seconds and then exhale for 4 seconds.
As you get more accustomed to this deep breathing you can increase the length of your inhale and the time you hold the breath and exhale accordingly.
5. Aerobic Energy
Our bodies were not built to sit still all day. Movement is life and the term aerobic literally means with oxygen. Your aerobic system is what gives you your endurance, it means your heart, lungs, blood vessels and muscles will work better and your energy will increase.
Make sure that you have some kind of moderate exercise routine 🏃🏼♂️ in your life that you can sustain over a period of time. So no fads, no quick fixes, but rather regular walking, running, dancing, swimming whatever you like and are capable of doing.
When you condition your metabolism to operate aerobically you burn fat and greatly increase the energy you have day to day.
6. Direct your mind and heart
One of the most successful ways to increase your energy is to direct your mindset towards positivity. When utilized correctly, your thoughts and emotions can be powerful in manifesting energy and vitality. Make an effort to start shifting your default emotions towards gratitude, determination, compassion, courage, faith and love. Try to break any patterns of negative thinking by making empowering emotions your new normal.
Every day make time (maybe 3 times a day to begin with) where you stop what you are doing and place your awareness in your heart 💓 center. Shift all of your focus to this area and feel the healing power that your heart center radiates.
7. Give up the need to be right.
The need to always be right or have an overly strong opinion about things can bring really negative energy to you and deplete your precious emotional and physical resources. There is a difference between passionate belief and an overly held opinion or need to be correct above others. Throw that attitude away and try to open your mind to other people’s perspectives. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with things you find abhorrent. It means that you can believe what you want to without a fight or making somebody else wrong. This is a wonderful way of allowing fresh energy to invigorate your mind.
8. Learn a new skill or start a new endeavor
Learning something new allows for fresh energy to flow towards you. When you start a new activity or hobby you create space for new energy and you also energize your sense of accomplishment and boost your confidence.
Enthusiasm for something new is an excellent way to shift your frequency and tell the universe you are capable and willing for whatever comes your way. Value your capacity to learn and practice self-discipline as you apply yourself. You will see your mental energy increase, followed by your emotional energy and then physical energy.
9. Stop overthinking
This is my number one tip for anyone who feels depleted of energy. As a natural over-thinker 🤯, worrier and analyzer myself, this proved to be one of my biggest challenges and is something I sometimes continue to have trouble with today. The amount of energy that gets depleted due to overthinking, anxious thoughts, worrying, projecting negative stories, etc is massive.
The best way I have found to beat this habit is to ground myself into the present moment and ask myself, “Is this thing I am worried about right now, true?”
In other words, what are the actual facts? Most of the time you will find that what you are worrying about does not exist right now. It is merely fear or a projection based on the past. When you take a moment to see that your fears are not valid, you can relax. Overthinking and anxiety are habits that you can break by checking in with yourself.
When you care for your energy you are adding to your life of abundant happiness. You cannot put a price on feeling more alive, vital and full of positive energy.
Take care of your precious energy my friends!
Good articles
I did enjoy the readings
Thank you