Feeling like your bank account has been a little dry lately?

Trust me, we’ve all been there. 

That frustrating feeling of constantly checking your balance and wishing it would magically grow. 

Well, what if I told you there’s a way to invite some of that green back into your life…

without needing a financial guru or a lottery win?

I’m talking about money spells

Now, before you raise an eyebrow or picture bubbling cauldrons and complicated rituals,

take a deep breath. 

These spells are simple, beginner-friendly,

and don’t require you to be a full-blown witch or wizard. 

I’m sharing this because I believe we all deserve to live a life of abundance,

free from financial worry. 

That’s why these spells can be powerful tools in shifting your mindset and energy. 

They help you visualize, feel, and focus on the wealth you want to attract. 

And who doesn’t love a little magic sprinkled into their life, right?

So, have you ever tried a money spell or done anything similar to set your intentions for abundance? 

I’d love to hear about your experience.

Drop a reply and let’s chat.

Now, let’s dive into some simple and effective money spells you can practice today.

Each one is designed to help you focus your energy on attracting wealth and abundance. 

Ready to get started?

1. Abundance Bowl Ritual

If you like visual reminders, this one’s for you. 

Take a small, beautiful bowl, place seven coins in it (one for each day of the week),

and add some green crystals like jade or aventurine. 

Sprinkle in three cinnamon sticks for quick luck,

and a bay leaf to carry your desires.

Hold the bowl at heart level every day, repeating: 

“I am worthy of abundance in all forms.” 

Feel the power in those words. 

Keep this bowl in the southeast corner of your home,

which is tied to wealth in Feng Shui.

2. Bay Leaf Money Manifestation

If you need something super simple, this one is quick but powerful. 

Write your money wish on a bay leaf, hold it in your hands,

and focus on that amount of money coming to you. 

Then burn the leaf in a fireproof dish. 

As the leaf turns to ash, imagine that wealth entering your life. 

Take the ashes and scatter them near your front door

to welcome that abundance into your home.

3. Gold Coin Wealth Manifestation

This one’s perfect if you want a constant reminder of wealth in your life. 

Find a gold coin (or any coin that’s valuable to you),

and hold it in your hands. 

Close your eyes and focus on the feeling of abundance surrounding you. 

Visualize your wealth growing and multiplying. 

Then, place the coin in a special spot in your home—somewhere you see it often. 

Let it be a physical reminder of the wealth you’re calling in daily.

4. Green Candle Wealth Spell

Carve your money goal into a green candle. 

Anoint it with oak moss or patchouli oil,

both known for attracting prosperity. 

Light it for 15 minutes every day for seven days,

focusing on your wealth coming to you easily. 

On the seventh day, let it burn completely. 

You’re sealing the deal on your financial success.

5. Salt Water Cleansing Spell for Finances

Clear out any negative energy blocking your financial flow with a saltwater cleansing spell. 

Mix sea salt with water and let it sit in the sunlight for a few hours. 

Then, sprinkle the mixture around the entrances of your home while saying, 

“As this salt purifies, so does my financial path. 

I release blocks to wealth, and prosperity flows freely.” 

The saltwater helps cleanse any energetic barriers to wealth.

6. Money Tree Visualization

This is all about using the power of your mind. 

Close your eyes, and imagine a small seedling at your core. 

See it grow into a tree with leaves of money.

Watch those roots grow strong, anchoring you in wealth. 

Visualize yourself plucking money from the tree whenever you need it. 

It keeps growing, keeps providing. 

Do this for 10 minutes each day,

and watch how your money mindset changes.

7. The Loose Change Prosperity Jar

We all have loose change hanging around, right? 

Turn that spare change into a money magnet. 

Grab a jar and drop your loose coins in it every day. 

As you do, say, 

“As this jar fills with coins, so does my life fill with wealth.” 

Keep the jar in a place where you’ll see it often…

like on your desk or in your living room…

as a visual reminder of the wealth you’re building.

8. Full Moon Money Spell

Got a goal in mind?

A full moon’s energy can amplify your intentions. 

On a full moon night,

take a green candle and carve your financial goal into it. 

Green is the color of growth,

so you’re literally planting the seed for your wealth to grow.

Anoint the candle with a little patchouli or mint oil and light it. 

As the flame flickers, close your eyes and see yourself already enjoying the wealth you desire.

Hold that image for 15 minutes. 

Let the candle burn all the way down. 

The energy you’ve just put into the universe? 

It’s working on your behalf now.

The reason these spells are so powerful isn’t just because of the candles or crystals. 

It’s the intention behind them. 

When you focus your mind and energy on wealth,

you start noticing opportunities you might have missed before. 

You begin to believe you deserve abundance—and that belief? 

That’s where the magic really happens.

Now, I’m curious…

What’s your go-to money ritual or mindset practice? 

Let’s talk about it in the comments.

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!