On March 28/29th we have a Supermoon in Libra.
Whenever the moon is closest to our planet, it’s called a Supermoon, as it appears around 14% bigger than usual.
This moon brings a beautiful, soulful, and healing energy to the Earth. As ever, a Full Moon brings completion, culmination and shines a light on things we need to pay attention to. Full moons are always about emotions and feelings, and this moon being in the sign of Libra points to themes of relationships and issues of the heart.
The Cosmic Energies
Right at the beginning of Aries season, this particular moon is also aligning in a Grand Trine with Mars and Saturn.
A Grand Trine is a perfect triangle that is associated with magic, luck, and strong protective energy. It represents harmony, magnified by the moon in the sign of balanced Libra.
These energies come together in a powerful way and urge us to get motivated to chase our dreams.
The Sun in Aries is also in tight conjunction with Venus and the asteroid Chiron. This brings powerful healing vibes to all of us.
Chiron is known as the wounded healer and encourages us to look at our emotional wounds, pains and traumas and transform them into strengths by acknowledging and healing them.
Chiron meeting with the cosmic energy of the Sun and Venus is a message to dive deep into those blocks and core wounds and see how they hold us back from true self-love and empowerment in this lifetime.
The Full Moon Energy will guide us and support us on this mission. The presence of Venus in this conjunction, together with the Libran energy of the Moon points to healing around love and relationships as well as the divine feminine.
Three ways to work with this Libra Supermoon Energy
1. Heart Healing – Transform wounds into strengths.
As the Full Moon energy builds over the following days, it’s likely you will feel some strong emotions arising that need to be released. You may notice old wounds resurfacing to do with an old breakup, a current relationship, or things you are holding onto that still cause you to repeat similar patterns from your past.
Use this Full Moon to leave the past behind and step into your power.
Realize that no other person, partner, or relationship can heal the wounds you hold within. It has to be you. Welcome any feelings or emotions that come up around these topics and be willing to do the energy work to feel them and move past them.
Practice profound, compassionate self-love by placing your hand on your heart and taking some deep breaths each morning. Feel your energy vibrating and illuminating from your heart center as you breathe in and out in an even rhythm, syncing your brain and heart together.
This is so powerful and is a wonderful way to set yourself up for each day. By dropping into your heart space regularly you tell yourself energetically that you are here to heal and love, and you open yourself to attract the future you desire.
2. Ask and Receive – Empowering Your Future.
This Full Moon provides us with the perfect energy for receiving answers to any questions we may have about our lives and our future.
Gather the courage to ask powerful questions at this time and be prepared to receive the answers around the time of this moon. If you have been pondering questions about the major things in life like your job, future career moves, living situation or relationships now is the time to bring those out into the open and surrender them to the Universe.
If it helps you to clarify, write the questions down – these might be:
- Am I following the right career?
- Have I found my correct passion?
- Is this the right relationship for me?
Whatever it is that you want to ask, surrender those questions and then create the mental and energetic space to receive the answer.
Do this through quiet contemplation in nature, meditation, long baths, or losing yourself in the flow state of creativity such as painting, dancing, or playing music.
3. Manifesting Energy – Create from the Inside Out.
If you have opened yourself to the heart healing energy work and have surrendered your powerful questions and opened yourself to receive the answers, you are now in the perfect position to start creating your life on purpose.
Harness the strong manifesting energy of this Supermoon and the Grand Trine and begin creating your life from the inside out. What does that mean?
It means understanding that nothing can come into your life unless you are energetically aligned with it.
Use this time to decide what it is that you really want to create and focus your attention on the highest frequency possible.
If you are experiencing the collective stress of events going on in our world, try to practice only allowing in the information and corresponding energy that serves you in a positive way.
Make the powerful, bold, and exciting decision to be in charge of your life now. Empower yourself!
In Conclusion:
This Supermoon gives us all an opportunity to get out of our thinking minds and into our hearts and emotional bodies. This is crucial work for anyone who wants to create the life they dream of.
In order to make space for the new, we have to really be in tune with our inner selves and be able to clear away any old emotional traumas and wounds and make way for wonderful healing.
This energy can give you the power and discipline to see things through to completion and create long-lasting change in your life. A wonderful affirmation for this Supermoon energy is:
“I am responsible for my energy and I determine my life.”
Enjoy this beautiful, soulful, and healing cosmic energy.
Dearest Alexander,
My name is Micah. I’m 48 stay at home Mother of 2 beautiful miracle daughters, Charlice and Carsyn, and in the beginning of a nasty divorce.
I am sensing my soon to be ex-husband is going to try to take them from me. MY daughters, that I lost almost all of my young adult life due to having upwards of 14 surgeries in a matter of 12-13 years. So from age 22-34, I lived in the hospital, literally.
My point is, How can I get through this horribly, emotionally and extremely negative time, by using which one of your Programs? I am very interested in the power of manifestation and I firmly believe in your theory of attracting positive energy around you to change your perceptions, feeling, behaviors, ect.
I really need to be positive throughout this next year and I want to ensure that I am able to gain more than I could have imagined. Not so much financially but also to start my new career as a Voice Over artist/actor.
I need to feel safe and secure and confident . Not just for me, but for my two daughters. To ensure that they are also able to benefit from my New Life Journey and alow them to also be aware that Anything is Possible, as long as it’s good, honest, and true.
To end, finally (LOL)
What Program(s) would you suggest for me to use to gain THE MOST benefits from?
Thank you for your time and your help with this. AND Thank you for sharing this beautiful gift of knowledge of Manifestations. I was starting to think I was just dreaming things of this nature.☺
Truly a believer and friend,
Micah B. Cameron
This was a very helpful informative post! Thank you for sharing! Balancing the scales of life!♎
That’s awesome! I’m so glad this was timely shared, Loreal.
Prawda która jest we mnie od pierwszego uczucia jakie doświadczyłam to wiedza co zrobić by poprawić świat ziemię,religie,zmarłych i nas wszystkich.jakie jest to rozwiązanie i co zrobić by było lepiej. To było to najprawdziwsze co dalej w sobie nosze.
Później to co się działo to to że czułam że niektórzy są tacy że nie chcą ujawniania tej wiedzy i dlatego tyle trwało to moje szukanie by się dowiedzieć czy mówić czy milczeć.
Że względu na ilość informacji zgubiłam się w tym czego oczekują ode mnie.napewno wiem czego oczekują ci których już tu niema w ludzkiej postaci i dlaczego się pojawili w życiu .by pomodz .im i nam.i jak to zrobić żeby to pogodzić i wypróbować oraz skorzystać.lecz im więcej wiedziałam tym się dodałam bo bałam się co kolejek pisac na ten temat .i w sumie to nadal nie wiem .czy mam to napisać i oni już to wiedza a ja mam milczeć.triche to nie jasne wprost czego się ode mnie oczekuje .
Thank you for this very informative message. Very well presented, very encouraging, very enlightening .
We’re glad you love it, Hedy! May this help you in your journey.